
Newsweek: LET Terri die

Now it is getting ridiculous...

Newsweek's headline "The time has come to let Terri Schiavo die" is a clear indicator of exactly where some people are today...

Terri's parents aren't asking her former husband to do anything other than let them take care of their daughter...

What is this world coming to anyway? Has everyone gone insane??

Pro death advocates everywhere you look...

Now I am hearing on the radio that some Florida stations are reporting that the feeding tube has already been removed...

If that is the case, we need a full investigation...

NO ONE on this planet is unaware of the conflict surrounding Terri Schiavo...least of all her physicians and nurses...

If Terri Schiavo's feeding tube has been pulled because some insane judge is on an ego trip...WE NEED TO KNOW WHY