
Now THIS is Propaganda!

Jill Lawrence wrote over at USA Today this week about the Bad Republicans that 'assailed John Kerry' (she didn't exactly say his name) - but those Wascally Wepublicans ASSAILED him by calling him a flip-flopper!!

Why, there even was a photo of two people wearing large flip-flops proving how horrible it all was...

She even wrote: Having trouble? That's because Democrats generally don't have the stomach or the discipline to do it. Often they don't even effectively fight back when under attack themselves.


uh, Ms. Lawrence, can I speak to you for a sec?

Perhaps you were in the loo while the liberal mouthpieces were saying this about the Republican candidate: liar, a moron, a coward, a military deserter, a puppet of Dick Cheney and the Jews, and another Hitler...did I leave anything out?

JamesTaranto at Opinion Journal goes on:

What are they going to say if they "get the stomach" to wage character attacks--that he's the original Hitler?

This is the sort of thing that drives conservatives crazy, but it actually illustrates why the liberal media are the Republicans' secret weapon. The Democrats are the victim of their own con game. They put out the most outrageous spin, which reporters like Lawrence dutifully regurgitate, and then Dems believe it because, hey, the "objective" media have reported it! It's as if Communist Party functionaries actually believed what was "reported" in the old Pravda.

...I have heard the word 'propaganda' thrown around lately...by liberals...the original propaganda-ists...anything that they have been labeling as such pales in comparison when you actually roll back the camera and re-play what went on...

word...for...disgusting word....