
Boxer Lied About California War Casualties

This is turning into a catfight...and Barbara Boxer is gonna lose...

First of all, you don't call someone a 'liar' and then lie about the 'facts' that have you so outraged...

Boxer has said repeatedly - in her hysterical I-am-so-upset-because-you-said-things-that-are-flat-out-not-true fashion - that Condoleeza Rice is lying...and apparently Boxer is determined to continue this on Tuesday...

...and guess what? Boxer is lying - looking bold-faced into the cameras - saying over and over again that California has sustained 25% of the casualties in Iraq...

...the truth? it is 11.5%...half...HALF of what she has been repeating...and all the time trying to paint Coldoleeza Rice as a liar...Rambling's Journal lists 7 other items that he has identified as false-hoods - ie: LIES - that crossed Boxer's lips during the Rice confirmation hearings...

Boxer's fellow Senator, Diane Feinstein, was on FoxNews Sunday this morning and made a statement to the effect "I don't want to see Dr. Rice's credibility diminished by this confirmation process" (I paraphrased)

But, Feinstein is correct!

What possible good can come out of Boxer's stupid line of questioning? Dr. Rice is going to be confirmed...does Boxer feel a need for another 15 minutes of fame?

...guess it's another case of 'the enemy within'...our own congressional delegates doing the dirty work for this nations enemies...and the terrorists won't even have to lift a finger...