
Honor Among Thieves...


stole this from American Dinosaur, who stole it from Pirate's Cove, who stole it from The Reich-Wing Republican Joke Page....which was apparently supposed to be a joke...only trouble is, it backfired....

1) Conservatives are good, you are bad.
2) Conservatives are right, you are wrong.
3) Conservatives are sane, you are not.
4) Conservatives know humor. You do not.
5) Conservatives are humble. You are arrogant.
6) Conservatives are interesting. You are boring.
7) Conservatives tell the truth. You can't handle the truth.
8) Conservatives know all about you. You know nothing of conservatives.
9) Conservatives are the ultimate arbiter of politeness. You are rude.
10) The comments of conservatives are pointed. Yours are pointless.
11) The sayings of conservatives are full and sufficient. Yours requiredetails and citations.
12) Conservatives' unsubstantiated statements must be accepted as gospel.Yours must be immediately retracted.
13) Conservatives pin demeaning nicknames and constantly use them on theopposition. Your doing so only shows your desperation.
14) Conservatives are defined by their inconsistencies. Your inconsistency defeats your arguments.
15) Conservatives ape your tactics with no compunction. Your tactics areout of line.
16) Conservatives are secure in their omniscience. You are merely out toimpress.
17) What therefore God hath joined together, let conservatives put asunder that they may smite their enemies as "liberals."
18) Unless cornered, conservatives always must have last word.
19) Conservatives may hold grudges forever. You must get over it.
20) Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Pirate's Cove had this to say: If it is meant to be a joke, it doesn't work. Since, in this day and age, it is pretty much correct. Except 14. Not realistic. And 12. We do not make unsubstantiated statements....and I agree...

Other than that...the rest is pretty funny...and true.....