
My New Favorite Columnist

T.R. Fehrenbach, Express-News contributing columnist and one of the most respected historians in Texas, writes about today's events through the prism of his profession. He has written several books; his best known work on the state's history is called "Lone Star."

His column on George W. Bush "Hate W.? Well, what you see is what you get " is excellent. Highly recommended on the reading list. Here is a sampling:

W. believes that compared to national security, all other issues fade into historical insignificance, and he realizes that no American president ever has, ever can or ever will allow foreigners to dictate U.S. policy, however much it ticks off peace parties and foreigners.
His economic policies angered all (though they dare not speak it) who favor redistribution in their hearts. His education policy — more federal funds than ever in history — is detested by educators because it was a start on accountability, which they fear more than the devil abhors holy water. He allowed the GOP to spend like drunken Democrats in pursuit of power, upsetting not only Democrats but some Republicans.

He made an openly Christian believer attorney general and believes faith must play a role in American society. Whoa! Unlike Clinton, he has little regard for movie stars. Hollywood hates it when it gets no respect. He does not read published criticism but has hires dissect and defuse it. (He acts like an executive rather than a Jimmy Carter.) That makes self-important editors who believe they should be running the country candidates for strokes.

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