
A Change Is Blowin' In the Wind...

Hugh Hewitt had a weekend symposium and invited bloggers to respond to the following:

How deep a hole have John Kerry, Mary Beth Cahill and the Edwards dug for themselves? How lasting the damage?

Hewitt reports that 225 bloggers submitted links (yours truly was among the honored to be linked from his website - Thanks Hugh).

In his closing report, Hewitt comments: The very fine analysis among some of the very new bloggers tells me not only is the self-inflicted political damage done to the Democratic ticket extreme, the explosion in blogging popularity is expanding and deepening. The technology has finally caught up with the talent. A year from now, I expect N.Z.Bear's ecosystem and rankings by traffic to have changed dramatically. Given that the talent is overwhelmingly on the side of the center-right, and that MSM is tilted way left, every further expansion in participation in and readership for the blogosphere is a huge structural advance for center-right politics and economics.

It is interesting to note - when looking at the latest polls - what I believe is reaction to the gaffe that Kerry committed last week. Hugh Hewitt identified it. Bloggers identified it. But, as Hewitt notes, most of the MSM chose to either ignore it or follow Elizabeth Edward's lead down the 'road of shame.'

Say what you will, when it comes to core values the American people are still very strong in their beliefs. AND the American people are - for the most part - optimists!

Forget the many years we have been subjected to political-correct-ed-ness and sometimes outright intimidation by the PC left. The pendulum has begun its swing back - and I say it is about time.

Thank goodness for the internet offering an alternative route for information output and access. It has given a voice to an obviously very large segment of the population that have been 'silent' for too long.