
Where's Toto When You Need Him?

More from Mohammed in Iraq:

The world has discovered yesterday-Iraqis are included here-many facts that correct those misconceptions; now it's become clear the weakness of the terror groups and their limited geographical distribution and I think that the low number of attacks we witnessed yesterday wasn't the result of the security measures alone but largely because of the limited areas these groups exist in and this rendered them capable only of launching attacks within their strongholds as the roads between provinces were blocked. Thus I believe that yesterday's attacks have identified the places where the terrorists mainly reside.

In this technology driven world, get-your-news-24/7, is anyone surprised to read this and assume that perhaps...just maybe...the terrorists, who the MSM and many others have been bolstering by their coverage and their comments, have been made to appear larger than life?

Is this Oz all over again? I am waiting for Toto to appear to tug the curtains back and reveal the charade...when that happens, the terrorists will more likely scurry like cockroaches to the dark recesses from whence they came than face their destiny at the hands of justice...

One can only hope...for the sake of the Iraqis and for the sake of the safety of the rest of the world...

I, for one, am going to stay tuned and pay attention as this complex and fascinating drama unfolds...