
And Now This...

...you KNEW it was coming!

Coming directly from The Australian News - blame for the tsunami disaster on, who else? The American people! It isn't the Aussies that are blaming Americans, they are just reporting it.

That's right! Read it for yourself...

In the past three days I have been impressed by the originality of the latest critiques of the evil Americans. The earthquake and tsunami apparently had something to do with global warming, environmentalists say, caused of course by greedy American motorists. Then there was the rumour that the US military base at Diego Garcia was forewarned of the impending disaster and presumably because of some CIA-approved plot to undermine Islamic movements in Indonesia and Thailand did nothing about it...

...It is a label that fits the general image abroad of greedy, self-absorbed Americans. They neither know nor care much about the woes of the rest of the world, do they? Did the tsunami even get a look-in on US TV news between the holiday schmalz and the football games, I have been sneeringly asked once or twice this week by contemptuous British friends.

How did we get such an evil label?

My only response can be this: our own main stream media...

Yep, think about it...

CNN, MSNBC, CBS...all are broadcast worldwide these days...the hate, slander and slanted news are obviously being gobbled up by viewers world-wide...and their conclusions apparently are that we are unfeeling, unthinking, un-everything, self-absorbed jerks.

You know, I gave to a charity that is helping the tsunami victims and I plan to give more...as for the rest of the world and their pre-c0ncieved notion that we are ugly Americans...I say to them: go to hell!

We will continue to be the world's big brother and sister...we will be their rich uncle...we will be the protecter of the weak...and we will continue to take daily criticism - and many times hate - from them...and nothing will change...


because we ARE AMERICANS...and I truly believe that under all that criticism and hate lies one very revealing truth...they are jealous of us...

..not so much jealous of our trappings...and we do, admittedly, have a lot of them...no, I think it goes much deeper than that...

I truly believe they are jealous of our resolve...that no matter what...no matter how difficult things get...no matter who dares attack us and kill us...no matter how loud the criticism gets...we will continue to do the right thing...

so it goes...so it goes...