Teresa Heinz Kerry has a brother, Jose Ferreira that has been keeping a verrrry low profile and it turns out that he has a very interesting history.
According to the article in the Philadelphia Tribune Review:
Jose Ferreira surfaced in the article only as an unnamed "older brother who attended Cambridge."
Heinz Kerry's public comments regarding her older brother are scarce.
Ferreira briefly surfaced in a November 1974 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story on her thoughts on the political unrest transpiring at the time in her native Mozambique.
She was quoted in the article as saying she did not want the nation to be controlled by Maoists "because they're going to ruin African nationalism." She noted, however, that she did not mind Maoists in the government, and she mentioned that Ferreira had been a Maoist when he was younger.
Excuse me?!!??
Teresa Heinz Kerry "does not MIND having Maoists in government"???
Just in case you are a little fuzzy on what being a Maoist means, (ahem! communist...) I have a link for you.
And for information on others in THK's family that are staying 'underground' during this election:
The Ferreiras aren't the only Heinz Kerry family members to have distanced themselves from the presidential campaign.
Heinz Kerry's first-born son, H. John Heinz IV, 37, operates a small Buddhist high school for troubled teens near his 163-acre farm near Philadelphia. He has declined all interview requests during the Kerry campaign.
You just can't make this stuff up!