
Supposedly Kerry is slipping in the polls...but is there something ELSE we should be paying attention to?

According to the Washington Times, The most significant but under-reported political development in the 2004 presidential campaign is John Kerry's slippage in three heavily Democratic battleground states: Michigan, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

This SEEMS like good news, but then read what NewsMax is reporting about Democrats stealing elections in Ohio, Iowa, Florida - with their efforts in their 527 groups and help from the unions.

According to the New York Times, "Under Iowa law, anyone can request an absentee ballot, no questions asked. ..."

The Des Moines Register details that as of last week 199,592 absentee ballots have been requested – with most of those coming from Iowa's 20 largest counties.

The vitriol from the left that has continued ever since the 2000 election, leaving us with bitter opponents that are willing to sacrifice anything to get back in power. Their voices are getting shriller and their tactics are becoming alarming. Memories of the 2000 election and reports of liberals rousing the homeless and driving them to voting polls only make the matter seem more severe.