
“The U.N. Does So Much Good, Why Besmirch It With This One Wrong-doing and Pursue an Investigation?”

That unbelievable statement was attributed to an ‘unnamed’ source from a ‘large’ publication (I am assuming a newspaper).


THAT is the reason none of the networks, other than FoxNews , is following up on the story about corruption and – worse…WORSE… - the eventual non-support of the U.S. (which equates to SUPPORT FOR SADDAM HUSSEIN) in enforcement of the U.N. sanctions that went ignored by not only Saddam Hussein but all of the countries that had their hands in the Oil For Food (OFF) cookie jar?

I point you to the UN role in the Congo Crisis between 1960 and 1964. "Not every nation was pleased by what the United Nations had done. Russia, France and Belgium refused to pay their part of the $400 million that was needed to pay for the cost of the Congo operation. This nearly pushed the United Nations to bankruptcy."

And this: Supporters were also wary of the fact that the United Nations had taken sides in an effort to bring peace to the Congo.

Sound familiar? Kofi Annan-ish????

I ask you to read this about the UN failure in Southern Morocco. In the conclusion of this report: UN has failed to resolve the conflict between the Polisario and Morocco.

Finally, I turn your focus on this letter from Garner Ted Armstrong. His closing statement captures a common sentiment:

Truth, justice and fairness are not to be found in the UN building in New York. Instead, it quickly became a hollow sounding board for Communist propaganda, and has now proved itself an inept, irrelevant body of pusillanimous appeasers.

This, fellow American citizens, is the core of the UN we are dealing with today.

For anyone in the press - or media - to try to whitewash the criminal activities of UN officials and/or participating countries is criminal in and of itself.