
John Kerry - Man of Conviction or Man of Convenience?

Sometimes I get the impression that John Kerry is the candidate with the ‘deer in the headlights’ look. I look at him and listen to his rhetoric and am struck by the fact that had not Howard Dean imploded during the primaries, it would be Dean that we would be listening to on a daily basis rather than Kerry.

It occurs to me that Kerry was actually thrust on the national stage with half-baked ideas, not one of them yet solidified as far as I can see, running for an office that he is ill-prepared to handle.

He has a PLAN. Kerry has a PLAN for everything – at least he tells us so. But he has yet to expand on any of those PLANS to give any of us an inkling of what he is PLANNING to do if he happens to be propelled into office by the millions of dollars that are being spent by the hate-mongering crowd that is supporting his campaign.

Mind you, the I-HATE-BUSH crowd supports Kerry’s campaign, not the man.

That could be Daffy Duck up there running against George W. Bush and the hate rhetoric would be just as loud, just as strong.

Running on yesterday's promises and last century's dreams...the Democratic Party has picked the perfect candidate.

Clueless, unable to stick to a point for more than 30 minutes, war-protestor, and communist sympathizer – yep that’s their candidate - John Kerry.

God Help America if this man is elected on Tuesday.