
Michael Moore Hates America

The long awaited documentary by Michael Wilson will be unveiled at the American Renaissance Film Festival in Dallas this weekend.

States Wilson, contrary to its title, Michael Moore Hates America isn’t a hatchet job on the filmmaker. It’s a journey across the nation where we meet celebrities, scholars and average folks alike, and we find out whether the American Dream is still alive! In the process, we’ll look at Michael Moore’s claims about the country, its people, and our way of life.

Wilson tried for months to get the smarmy Moore to talk to him, but the closest Wilson got was at a book signing event where Moore began shouting at Wilson, who was in the crowd. Have you noticed how Moore is able to trash anyone he hates but if the camera lens is turned on him he squeals like a stuck pig? Okay, I was not talking about his physical appearance - ~grin~

Wilson's movie should be a 'must see' - it will be for me.