
Minuteman Project: Border Patrol Agents Appreciate Support of Volunteers

It's a sad state of affairs when the mainstream news media feel compelled to ignore an important and revealing news story: The US Border Patrol agents support the work being done by members of The Minuteman Project....

So reports Jim Kouri, CPP,fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police...

I could analyze this story for readers, but I'll allow Local 2544 of the US Border Patrol Agents organization to speak for its membership:"

MINUTEMAN PROJECT: We want to make it clear because we've had a lot of questions about this.....we have not had one single complaint from a rank-and-file agent in this Sector about the Minutemen. (my emphasis) Every report we've received indicates these people are very supportive of the rank-and-file agents, they're courteous, many of them are retired firefighters, cops, and other professionals, and they're not causing us any problems whatsoever.

"Reports of them causing "ground sensors" to go off are exaggerated because most of those are being set off by the ACLU sneaking around trying to find the Minutemen doing something wrong. The Minutemen have succeeded in shifting the bulk of the illegal alien traffic out of the Naco corridor. If only President Bush were so supportive of the rank-and-file agents." "While President Bush hangs out thousands of miles away in the White House, these people are willing to give up their time and energy to actually do something.

While President Bush entices millions of illegal aliens to keep coming with his amnesty proposals and his demoralizing statements that he doesn't want Border Patrol agents chasing "good-hearted people just coming here to take jobs Americans won't do" the Minutemen are trying to get our laws enforced. The Minutemen have made it very clear that they fully support rank-and-file Border Patrol agents. If only we had such support from the politicians we have to work for (aren't we really supposed to be working for the citizens of this country anyway?)!"It seems the American(?) Civil Liberties Unions is creating more problems at the US-Mexican border than anyone from the Minuteman Project. But don't expect to read about it in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, or other major purveyors of news and information. Don't expect to see it on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or other television news organizations....

You all know that I am a Bush supporter...but when it comes to border issues and illegal alien issues, we apparently go our separate ways...

...but back to the issue at hand...

...it has been reported by many here in Arizona that have witnessed it first-hand...the border patrol agents were HAPPY to see the Minutemen...

...'cuz think about it...any time you get reinforcement to the job you are doing...any time you get support...you have got to feel grateful...

I witnessed it...but it was not just my very small part that I played or the actions I witnessed...there are many, many people from all parts of this country that witnessed the good that the Minuteman project did...

...and the MSM refuses...REFUSES...to report on it...