
You Can Be Sure That Our Family Will Be Giving Thanks

Saying grace on Thanksgiving no longer a given is the title of an article that appeared in the Arizona Republic yesterday...the author seems naive or ignorant of how things are done in "my world"...

Jaimee Rose writes:

So on this holiday that's supposed to be about saying thanks, there's often that pregnant pause for prayer. We're out of practice. We're from different cultures. We have varied beliefs, or none at all. The moment can get just a little awkward.

We could pray. We should. Many will, joyfully and graciously. But what if the new in-laws don't pray, and asking them to join hands and bow heads will make them squirm?

You know...I pray to give thanks...


Rose goes on: What if Grandpa says it, and he uses so many "thees" and "thous" that the kids fidget and the potatoes get cold? What if someone has already taken a bite? Would it be gauche to have him or her set down the fork in shame?

What is going on, I ask?

Since when does giving thanks for the many blessings we have received and continue to receive have to be subject to PC rules?...or any other "rules" for that matter?

If I am at home, at work, in a public place...when the food arrives, I bow my head and give thanks...

I don't believe that I am "performing", as one person observed...

Perhaps people have gotten away from the traditional saying grace before a meal...but, if someone is inclined to do so...it shouldn't matter for one second if anyone else is uncomfortable...disagrees...or ignores the moment...


What matters is that thanks is being given...from the heart...