Al-Qaeda has named Queen Elizabeth “one of the severest enemies of Islam,” the British Sunday Times newspaper reported, citing a video message allegedly obtained by Britain's security...
If you remember, earlier this month Prince Charles "scolded" Americans for our position on terrorists...
"Prince Charles. . .wants Americans - including Mr. Bush - to share his fondness for Islam," according to the Telegraphs’ Andrew Anderson.
Um, Yeah...
Okay, Prince C...guess it wasn't devastating enough to you when YOUR OWN PEOPLE were bombed...ON YOUR SOIL!
But...but...whatt're you gonna do when they attack your MUM?
Shut up already with the criticism, Charles...go back to your polo game...
We are handling things our way...we're NOT attacking Islam...we're dealing with the terrorists...on THEIR terms...and that's exactly the way it has to be addressed...