
Coulter: The New and Improved Racism

Ann Coulter has a must read column today at FrontPage magazine about the recent racist attacks by liberals on Condoleeza Rice, and now Clarence Thomas.

Still furious about the election, liberals are lashing out at blacks. First it was Condoleezza Rice. But calling a Ph.D. who advised a sitting president during war "Aunt Jemima" apparently hasn't satiated the Democrats' rage. Even the racist cartoons didn't help.

So this week, they've turned with a vengeance to Clarence Thomas. Only the Democrats would try to distract from their racist attacks on one black Republican by leveling racist attacks against a different black Republican. If Democrats don't nip this in the bud, soon former Klanner and Democratic Sen. Bob Byrd will be their spokesman.

Never one to mince words, Coulter really hits the nail on the head: Liberals at least give white Republicans credit for being evil. Rumsfeld is a dangerous warmonger, Paul Wolfowitz is part of an international Jewish conspiracy, Dick Cheney is "Dr. No." But Dr. Rice? She's a dummy.

So what is it with these racist idiots? Coulter reminds us:

The late Mary McGrory, a white liberal, called Scalia "a brilliant and compelling extremist" – as opposed to McGrory herself, a garden-variety extremist of average intelligence. But Thomas she dismissed as "Scalia's puppet," quoting another white liberal, Alvin J. Bronstein of the American Civil Liberties Union, to make the point. This is the kind of rhetoric liberals are reduced to when they just can't bring themselves to use the n-word.

Zev Chafets at the NY Daily News agrees and goes further with the argument that because these black Americans dare to be conservative, they are also drawing fire from the black liberal community. Chafets writes:

More popular figures than Thomas have been pilloried by the black establishment for committing Republican heresy: Jackie Robinson, James Brown, Sammy Davis and Colin Powell all come to mind. Now, emboldened, whites have deputized themselves in the fight against black thought crime.

Thomas once said of such race-based slander, "Though being underestimated has its advantages, the stench of racial inferiority still confounds my olfactory nerves." Or in simple English, for the benefit of Sen. Reid, it stinks.

Pathetic as this is, it really does appear that these focused attacks are revealing a terrible truth - Liberals are Racists.

And, as far as I am concerned, nothing they can say or do will fix what they have already done to smear good people that are doing good work.