
California Secede from United States?

After LMAO I realized that this group of loonies is actually serious about seceeding from the U.S.

Obviously they haven't thought this idea completely through - one commenter noted they will have to develop their own currency; create an army, powerplants, coast guard; write a constitution and decide whether they are going to have a president, prime minister, or king; etc, etc.

I say let them go! (Of course, I am looking at it through different filters...we here in Arizona have always had our surf boards at the ready for the day that CA drops into the ocean and our desert landscaping turns into oceanfront property...) .... but I digress...

One guest columnist writes "..We experience a massive revenue drain which ultimately subsidizes other states." I would like an explanation to that comment. How is California subsidizing 'other states'?

The energy crisis a couple of years ago caused a great deal of consternation in Arizona because there was talk about building power plants in Arizona for California.

You see, the liberals in California don't want their landscapes 'littered' or 'cluttered' with power plants...they don't want nuclear plants in THEIR state...but it is just fine with them if a neighboring state, say - ARIZONA! - were to clutter their land with power plants and nuclear plants and ship the electricity to California - oh yea!

Their kooky system put price caps on the energy, so the energy companies eventually went broke, but their citizens didn't have to pay the going rate for their power...and when the entire system broke down, California was crying and looking to Arizona, Nevada and Oregon to come to their rescue.


MoveonCalifornia website has this to say "California people - California values".

What that says to me - and what every other thing that has ever happened when Californian's have a 'crisis' - is this: California people are only interested in THEMSELVES. Period!

Self centered, self serving snobs...

Go for it, CA...you will never be able to come to a consensus about anything and when you really are broke, you will come crying for help...but - as a member of separate nation - my response will be to you: "Go talk to your buddies at the U.N."