
'Truth Tour' Heading to Baghdad -- and Liberals are "Outraged"

According to this NewsMax report: A delegation of top talk show hosts and family members of victims of 9/11 is heading to Baghdad, where the talkers will broadcast live from the U.S. Armed Forces Central Command (CENTCOM) headquarters in an effort to break through the curtain of anti-war media bias.

The left-wing media hate the idea of a "Truth Tour" breaking through the haze of their anti-war rhetoric.

Oh my!

Does anyone remember when Sean Penn travelled to Iraq?? and more recently, Iran? Made a fool of himself, didn't he...

Or...when Dan Rather went to Iraq to interview Saddam Hussein??...less than one month before this country went to war with Iraq...KNOWING FULL WELL THAT WE WERE PREPARING TO INVADE IRAQ...and Rather flipped off not only our President...but all of our military and the U.S. citizens as well...gushing over Saddam...makes me puke...

But...BUT...all of that is A-Okay - Right? Of Course! because those guys are...LIBERALS!!!!

Organized by Howard Kaloogian, co-chairman of Move America Forward, a conservative non-profit organization that supports our troops and the war against terrorism, the group will leave from CENTCOM Headquarters in Tampa, Fla., on Thursday.

"Our troops risk their lives every day so that we may enjoy liberty and peace," Kaloogian said. "Yet it seems that it makes a better news story to report only on the difficulties and challenges our troops face.

"It's time we provide an outlet for our brave troops to tell us about some of their accomplishments and the good news coming out of their valiant efforts in Iraq.

Leftists such as ultra-liberal New Republic editor Peter Beinart, are outraged that a group of established journalists is daring to challenge the virtual liberal monopoly on reporting from Iraq. "This is the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time. They should be ashamed of themselves," Beinart whined.

"They have no idea what journalism is, and to pretend they are journalists is laughable," Beinart said. "You do not achieve victory by not facing reality. I think these are the kinds of people that will lead us to lose there."

It seems that in his elitist view only anti-war liberals and Bush haters are entitled to call themselves journalists.

The talk show hosts are paying their own way, said Mark Williams. "We're paying our own accommodations. My wife and I are paying $15,000 for this trip. We're cargo. We're given a smelly cot and the same accommodations as the troops. Basically, all the U.S. military is doing for us is letting us pay our own trip into war."

Ellis Henican was accusing these people of horrible things tonight on FoxNews -- and the damn trip hasn't even begun yet!

Methinks you protest too much, Henican...what are you trying to hide?? Whose hide are you trying to protect within your own slanted, tainted, slimed left-wing garbage that your cronies try to present as "news"??


You can read about Move America Forward -- and support their efforts -- HERE