
Oh The Irony of It All...

Heard tonight on CNBC while speaking about the Valery Plame, Time Magazine, source-revelation issue at hand: (and I am paraphrasing) "...if you let someone go to jail for not revealing who you are, SHAME ON YOU -- YOU ARE A COWARD for not revealing yourself..."

Oh...fast forward...rewind...STOP THE PRESSES!

What are the liberals talking about?? What do they want??

They want Karl Rove...but that is not what I am talking about right now...

They want whoever it was that leaked the information about Plame to walk out with their hands in front of them…walk the plank, in other words…admit “I am the leak”…and go to jail…


Wasn’t it just a couple of weeks ago that we were hit with the revelation of who ‘Deep Throat’ was in the Watergate mess…

And…weren’t the Liberals falling all over themselves trying to be the first in line to get an autograph?? Why, this was history in the making for them…something they can hand down to their grandkids with glowing pride…

What gives??

To quote the piece in the Washington PostBut Felt's repeated denials, and the stalwart silence of the reporters he aided -- Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein -- kept the cloak of mystery drawn up around Deep Throat. In place of a name and a face, the source acquired a magic and a mystique.”

Oooohhhh…magic and mystique…gives me the shivers…

BUT…what exactly are the libs trying to celebrate here?

The fact that they were able to keep a secret for 30 years??

Or…OR…is it the fact that the very person that was leading the investigation into who was the source for Watergate was the very person that committed the crime??

That’s right!

Mark Felt, the number 2 guy in the FBI at the time, was leading the charge...no wonder he always looked so smug in those old pictures...he really pulled a fast one, didn't he?

Ooohhhh…the plot thickens…and no one…NO ONE…has mentioned this fact or bothered to look into the duplicity of it…

And now…fast forward to today…

Liberals are trying to get to Karl Rove, ie: Whitehouse…G.W. Bush…and they will use whatever means that will get them the desired outcome…if they have to use a useless, meaningless case of ‘outing’ a CIA employee (who, it turns out, was just sitting in an office and not out in the field…) – whatever it takes…hit the public with sound bites…that’s all that most of them pay attention to anyway…hit ‘em fast and hit ‘em hard…they’ll never know what hit them…..

How much more of this is it going to take before the American public will have the huevos to stand up for what’s right?

I wonder…