
Mexican Government Wants Mercy For Triple Murderer?

I am outraged!

Rodrigo Cervantes-Zavala murdered the grandparents and uncle of his children...murdered three innocent people in cold blood...and the Mexican government won't return him to stand trial for murder until our government assures them that he won't be subject to the death penalty!


Their argument?

"In Mexico, the death penalty doesn’t exist," Flores said. "The Mexican government wants that principle to be respected." He said this while INSPECTING OUR JAILS TO BE SURE THEY ARE SUITABLE FOR THE MURDERER!

Well - Mr. Flores - get a load of THIS!

1 - It is ILLEGAL to cross the border into this country without the proper paperwork. "The United States government wants that principle to be respected"

2 - It is ILLEGAL in this country to murder people. "The United States government wants that principle to be respected"

3 - It is ILLEGAL in this country to kidnap children and transport them across the border to another country. "The United States government wants that principle to be respected"

It really doesn't matter whether or not the Mexican government adheres to the death penalty ...Cervantes-Zavala broke OUR LAWS by entering this country illegally...by murdering three innocent people...by kidnapping two very young children and running back to Mexico with them...

Cervantes-Zavala needs to stand trial in the country that he so horribly abused and face whatever punishment is handed down to him...

Saul Lopez Acosta, 63, Trinidad Castro Acosta, 51, and Jesus Manuel Acosta, the children's 17-year-old uncle, obviously didn't have a chance to defend themselves...why should their murderer now get kid-glove treatment?