
U.N. Logistics 'expert' - a Frenchman - Caught in Pornographic Scandal

A Frenchman, working for the UN in the Congo, was about to rape a 12-year-old-girl sent to him in a sting operation.

In a report, that I have yet to find on any of the U.S. MSM sites, police have discovered that the UN worker had turned his bedroom into a studio for videotaping and photographing sex sessions with young girls. The bed was surrounded by large mirrors on three sides, according to a senior Congolese police officer.
On the fourth side was a camera the man could operate from the bed with a remote control.
When the police arrived, the man was allegedly about to rape a 12-year-old girl sent to him in a sting operation. Three home-made pornographic videos and more than 50 photographs were found in his home.

Despite the UN's 'official policy' of zero tolerance of such abuse, investigations have turned up 150 allegations of sexual misconduct by peacekeepers and UN staff.

What I am trying to piece together here is why this is apparently flying under the radar screen on the U.S. MSM...

I am going to follow this story and report updates on it.