
McAuliffe Crawls Out From Under Rock to Hurl Insults at House Republicans

During what was supposed to be a day to pay tribute to our fallen at Pearl Harbor, Terry McAuliffe - who is STILL chair of the Democrat National Committee - decided to use the opportunity while addressing the nation to slam House Republicans:

"While we as a nation are united in this fight, there are clearly deep divisions within the Republican Party, divisions that are impeding our fight against terrorism."

Of COURSE it is the Republican Party, Terry!

Never mind that you, McAuliffe, supported Michael Moore's harebrained assertion that the United States went to war in Afghanistan "not to avenge the terrorist attacks of September 11 but instead to assure that the Unocal Corporation could build a natural gas pipeline across Afghanistan for the financial benefit of Vice President Dick Cheney and former Enron chief Kenneth Lay."

Forget about the fact that a recent USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll gives President Bush a personal favorability rating of 60 percent, and 55 percent now approve of his job.

David Horowitz delivered a revealing speech at Georgetown University on October 14, 2004, and spoke about what he calls an "unholy alliance" between radical Islam and the American left, and its effect on the politics of the Democratic Party.

Horowitz quotes Osama bin Laden, who last year said: "The interests of Muslims and the interests of the socialists coincide in the war against the crusaders."

He was referring to the fact that, four weeks earlier, millions of leftists had poured into the streets of Europe's capitals and also into the streets of Washington and San Francisco and New York. Their goal was to prevent the United States and Britain from toppling Saddam Hussein. They chanted "no blood for oil"; they called the United States "the world's greatest terrorist state"; they called the American government an "Axis of Evil"; and they compared the American president to Adolph Hitler.

Interesting facts, McAuliffe...perhaps you should take the time to read them before you get in front of a microphone again.

It's always easy to demonize your detractors...and maybe the goal with McAuliffe and his band of thugs is to distract rather than deal with the issues...he has become a master at throwing out red herrings when the issues get too close to home.

But the facts are here for anyone to find...the real impediments to our fight against terrorism, have been - WILL ALWAYS BE - the ones coming at us from the Left...

... trying to paint THAT reality any other color than it is will always appear as a whitewash to those of us watching from this vantage point...