

"The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty."
Fisher Ames, speech in the Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788
An interesting statement, to say the least...
And what, exactly, is 'licentiousness' you ask...
Licentiousness: Acting without regard to law, ethics, or the rights of others.
There was a lot of wisdom within our Founding Fathers...wisdom that has been passed down through the ages...and that same wisdom having been recently set aside in order to embrace "progressive" ideas...
But are these ideas that are being put into place by this administration really anything 'new'?...
From Mr. Ames' speech in 1788 it would appear not...
Thing that always confounds me is this:
This experiment people call the United States of America is the only one of its kind in the history of the world...a republic set up using the Rule of Law...a Constitution written to minimize the size of government, leaving most decisions to the people...
Why have there been so many attempts to subvert this great nation over the years?
Why - if people do not believe in this form of real freedom - why don't people simply move to a country that is a dictatorship or other form of controlling ruler where they can live in their nirvana?
Why impose their ideas on people that cherish freedom?
Does it intimidate these socialist lovers of iron-fist ruling to see people able to make decisions free of interference from an all-seeing, all-controlling government run by those that would imprison, silence or do harm to anyone that dare speak out against them?
It does make me wonder...
I wonder why, if those that embrace the teachings of Karl Marx and others of his mindset, they are not happy until their controlling of others is forced upon free people...