

Well so far I think we've heard about 3 stories on what and what not Barack Obama heard the "reverend" Wright say...no, YELL...during many of Wright's lectures...I cannot say sermon because nothing from the Bible ever crossed Wright's lips during his horrendous rants and condemnation of white people, of America..

Today, in a carefully crafted speech, Obama said the following: "Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes."

Oh MY!

Isn't that a complete 180 of what we've been hearing the past week?!

Problem is, democratic strategists are falling over themselves in an attempt to make this 'go away', but the hate that spewed from Wright's mouth during a CHURCH SERVICE is beyond the pale...

It is one thing to disagree with the way the country is run...it is one thing to have a different opinion about how things go down in our capitol...but it is another thing...it is a TOTALLY WRONG THING for someone, especially someone in the position that reverend Wright is in a CHURCH!...to say DAMN AMERICA!

He didn't say it once...he repeated himself over and over and over again to make sure...to be VERY SURE...that anyone that was within listening distance was certain, with no doubt in their mind, that his hatred for America was venemous and vile.

Folks this goes waaaay beyond trying to establish the meaning of "Is".....

Barack Obama knew he was lying when he looked into the cameras over the past weekend and stated that he was never in the church when Wright was giving his version of hate...Obama lied pure and simple to the American people...

and now...

he is trying to make this about race...

What a pathetic, disgusting liar.