
Keith Olbermann Goes Overboard

Okay, disagreeing with the President of the United States of America is one thing...disrespecting the office of the President is quite another...

Keith Olbermann's rant is...what?

Whether Olbermann realizes it or not, in his hysterical ranting and raving he insulted and demeaned the troops that are, on a daily basis, putting their lives on the line for idiots like Olbermann...

Olbermann also conveniently left out this interesting fact: isn’t General Electric a war contractor…..the employer of Keith Olbermann? Funny, but no mention of that during the 15 minute hate America rant

I have now blocked MSNBC on our cable televisions...all of them...there is no way that I want someone in this household to accidentally stop on that channel...

Don't tell me that the liberal media is unbiased...MSNBC is one of the worst...

'nuff said...