It is a disgusting scene that we are watching...
Liberals defending - or completely ignoring - a documented murderous monster while accusing our own of horrible deeds...
Lyndon Johnson's Attorney General,
Ramsey Clark, is now on Saddam's defense team...
Sen. Dick Durbin (D) likening American interrogators and Gitmo military staff to Nazis, Soviet gulag operators and genocidal maniac Pol Pot...John Kerry calling our soldiers "terrorists"...
...and nary a serious word about all of the details of torture...horrible, criminal, unending torture...under the hands of Saddam Hussein...
Our liberals would rather defend a known murderer...
Our liberals would rather accuse our own men and women that make up our military of crimes...torture...with nothing to back up their wild-eyed accusations...
It is a is a sad, unethical, unpatriotic scene we are witnessing...
and - YES - I am calling them unpatriotic...and why not?
Their accusations fly with no backup...they endanger our finest that are fighting to preserve their ability to open their mouths and say whatever happens to fall out...
If I were a Democrat, I think I would be scrambling to find another party....
At the very least...I think that I would be re-registering as an Independent...