Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak IS to speak. Not to act IS to act. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer / We all must make a choice between what is right and what is easy. ~ Dumbledor
Hurricane Katrina: Robert F. Kennedy Blames Haley Barbour's Memo; Germans Blame Bush; Scientists Say It Is NOT Global Warming...
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Teddy Kennedy's nephew - just HAD to say something about the blight...his comments?
As Hurricane Katrina dismantles Mississippi’s Gulf Coast, it’s worth recalling the central role that Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour played in derailing the Kyoto Protocol and kiboshing President Bush’s iron-clad campaign promise to regulate CO2....
this same idiot liberal with the Kennedy name went on to say:
Perhaps it was Barbour’s memo that caused Katrina, at the last moment, to spare New Orleans and save its worst flailings for the Mississippi coast....
Talk about conspiracy theory!
Talk about insanity!
The left has gone round the bend...and they don't even recognize it...
The Germans jumped right on the "blame Bush" bandwagon:
"The American president is closing his eyes to the economic and human costs his land and the world economy are suffering under natural catastrophes like Katrina and because of neglected environmental policies."
Oh yeah?
This is what the EXPERTS are saying:
The recent onslaught "is very much natural," said William M. Gray, a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University who issues forecasts for the hurricane season.
From 1970 to 1994, the Atlantic was relatively quiet, with no more than three major hurricanes in any year and none at all in three of those years. Cooler water in the North Atlantic strengthened wind shear, which tends to tear storms apart before they turn into hurricanes.
In 1995, hurricane patterns reverted to the active mode of the 1950's and 60's. From 1995 to 2003, 32 major hurricanes, with sustained winds of 111 miles per hour or greater, stormed across the Atlantic. It was chance, Dr. Gray said, that only three of them struck the United States at full strength.
Historically, the rate has been 1 in 3.
Then last year, three major hurricanes, half of the six that formed during the season, hit the United States. A fourth, Frances, weakened before striking Florida.
"We were very lucky in that eight-year period, and the luck just ran out," Dr. Gray said.
There is an organization called who's self description reads: The Cooler Heads Coalition formed May 6, 1997 to dispel the myths of global warming by exposing flawed economic, scientific, and risk analysis. Coalition members will also follow the progress of the international Global Climate Change Treaty negotiations. (my emphasis)
They posted the following:
Dr. Christopher Landsea of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Hurricane Research Division at NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, has withdrawn as an author of the Fourth Assessment Report under preparation by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for release in 2007.
Landsea has written more than forty articles on hurricanes and other tropical storm systems for refereed scientific publications during the last twelve years (see for specific references). As an author, he contributed to the last two IPCC Assessments and had primary responsibility for sections describing the past, present and future behavior of tropical cyclones.
Dr. Landsea resigned from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) because of, in his view, the part of the IPCC to which my expertise is relevant as having become politicized. In addition, when I have raised my concerns to the IPCC leadership, their response was simply to dismiss my concerns.
This expert was shunned for trying to tell the truth.
Moreover, the evidence is quite strong and supported by the most recent credible studies that any impact in the future from global warming upon hurricanes will likely be quite small.
Of course the left doesn't want to hear will dismantle their carefully crafted scare project called "global warming"...and you can bet your bottom dollar that the MSM won't report on Dr. Landsea's findings...
The Kyoto Treaty was intended to punish the U.S., plain and simple...and I laud President Bush for refusing to subject the American people to it...
Shame on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his participation in this continuation of BLAME AMERICA FOR EVERYTHING...especially at a time when people are suffering...Americans are suffering and all Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can think about is an opportunity to get some ink...
Identity Theft - Illegal Aliens - Think You're Safe?...Think Again...
Here is just a sampling:
Illegals living in BOSTON obtain North Carolina driver's licenses
Officials from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) today confirmed that four employees have been arrested by DMV investigators and FBI agents and charged with creating and selling false driver licenses, identification cards and vehicle registration documents by using customer information they had access to while performing their job duties. FBI and DMV investigators say the suspects stole the information from confidential computer records, created counterfeit documents and sold them to four “brokers” who bought them to resell to other criminals.
Google search is most helpful in turning up stolen identities, along with Social Security numbers. Google, of course, is not the only search engine that can find stolen identities. Using the same search string and English-language restriction that returned 127 results when entered in Google, Ask Jeeves delivered only 11 results. Nonetheless, several links led to personal information, including a text file with 47 pages of credit-card numbers, Social Security numbers, and other personal data. Yahoo returned 42 results, including an Arabic site with personal information posted in Roman characters and a cached Unix-oriented site with personal information. MSN Search returned 401 results, but most of the summary-result information was unreadable -- a majority of the links pointed to non-HTML file formats that present garbled text when accessed with a Web browser.
Neither Ask Jeeves, MSN Search, nor Yahoo returned a link to the Russian carding site. Searching for a specific Social Security number found on the Russian site produced a single Google result and no results using the other three search engines. This could be the result of less effective indexing, more effective index policing, or other factors.
Florida resident Marjorie Roberson is among those whose personal information can be found on the Russian site. She believes her information was stolen last year when she responded to a phishing E-mail that she took to be an official message from America Online. The information on the carding site supports that view: Many of the field identifiers preceding the posted data begin with the letters "Aol."
Roberson is surprised that her information is still available online. "I contacted Google and told them this information was obtained illegally," she says, adding that she has also complained to the Federal Trade Commission and notified the major credit bureaus to place fraud alerts on her credit files.
"The problem I keep having is people keep trying to open these accounts," Roberson explains. Just last week, she says, someone tried to write a check on her bank account using a generic corporate check from Office Depot. While she hasn't suffered any financial loss, being a victim of identity theft has cost her in terms of time and aggravation.
"There ought to be some type of protection," Roberson says.
Hawaii is a "testing ground" for criminals and mail identity theft. The Honolulu Police Department also recently doubled the number of detectives assigned to chasing the thieves who search mailboxes for bank statements and pre-screened credit offers. Thieves typically fill out the credit applications, then intercept the cards when they arrive, or submit change-of-address forms to redirect mail.
The thefts are testing the Hawaii banking industry's defenses against financial fraud. They are also revealing the difficulty in catching and prosecuting mail thieves.
Mail thieves are hopping from point to point, cruising neighborhood streets in search of what's in the mailboxes.
"I've seen crooks write a $40,000 check from stolen mail," Murphy said. "Those pre-approved credit card applications and convenience checks from banks that come in the mail are like gold to them."
Mail is even being bartered for drugs like crystal methamphetamine, better known as "ice."
"They'll say, get me some credit cards and I'll pay you with ice," Murphy said. "I've arrested a lot of people who say that."
Even if you are careful with your personal information, carelessness or not-so-secure identity information has been stolen from credit card companies and credit card processing centers on a regular of the most recent from a health center in Florida:
The apparent theft of a missing laptop computer has put 3,851 patients of University of Florida physicians at risk for identity theft.On Aug. 1, UF was notified that a computer was stolen from ChartOne, a Boston-based firm that the Health Science Center contracts with to help manage medical records. In the laptop's database were the names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth and medical record numbers for more than 3,000 patients spread over a wide area.
In Arkidelphia, Arkansas, 119 Illegal Aliens arrested ON THE JOB WHILE USING A U.S. CITIZEN'S STOLEN IDENTITY
This 2002 report discussed "Identity Fraud - Prevalance and Links to Alien Illegal Activities"
And, finally, this article from the Center for Immigration Studies in April 2002 "America's Identity Crisis" Document Fraud is Pervasive and Pernicious
This problem isn't has been here for a long, long time...and it is getting worse...
The Illegal Aliens are getting braver...criminals are profiting from the illegal alienn community...we are the victims...
As long as there is a market of illegals, this won't get any better...
We have to stop the flood of illegals that are entering this country and damaging our tax system; ruining our health care system; threatening our very existence by stealing and abusing our identities...
Ward Churchill - Fake "Injun" Charges Dropped, But Seven Serious Complaints Still Being Investigated
Churchill WAS notified that "The University of Colorado has dropped its investigation into the American Indian heritage..." and that is the spin that the MSM is putting on it...
Seven complaints of alleged plagiarism, historical fabrication and other research misconduct by Churchill have been recommended for a deeper investigation, while two other complaints that were part of the original inquiry were dropped, his lawyer said. The report from the faculty subcommittee that had spent about four months looking into the allegations was delivered Monday, said David Lane, who represents Churchill.
Among the complaints being moved ahead for examination:
• That in his published writings, Churchill has mischaracterized the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, along with the General Allotment Act.
• That Churchill has repeatedly advanced a theory charging the U.S. Army with an act of genocide against the Mandan Indians in 1837, citing sources that contradict his claim.
• That Churchill plagiarized the work of professor Fay Cohen of Dalhousie University in Canada.
• That Churchill plagiarized a defunct Canadian environmental group's pamphlet on a shelved water- diversion project.
Jim Paine with the Hawaii Reporter notes: Our outrage centers not on Churchill's spin of the story -- which ignores the remaining seven allegations (mostly of plagiarism and historical fabrication), and instead highlights the dropping of the ethnic fraud charge -- but rather the media's willing acceptance of that spin. No corporate flack, no sticky-fingered politician, no university president could ever expect from the media that kind of unquestioning acceptance of their version of the story. Yet this same media hands Churchill the first PR victory he has had since this story broke back in January....
At every just about every story...the MSM continues it's overt effort to brainwash the multitudes...
Thank God for bloggers...and the internet...and all of the questioning voices...
But the burning question has to be:
When are we going to bring this to a halt??
9/11 Commission Cover Up
If this 9/11 Commission cover up were led by a Republican...or if it looked like it was protecting a Republican's interests...the main stream media would be howling like banshees 24/7, making the Abu Ghraib MSM coverage look like a passing thought...
The outrage that we SHOULD be hearing over the omissions and - what cannot be taken for anything other than a COVER-UP...that outrage is...where?
What is wrong with the media, the MAIN STREAM MEDIA, that they are always complicit and duplicitous when trying to COVER LIBERAL ASSES...
Commission CoverUp?
9/11 Coverup Commission
9/11 Probe Could Spotlight Iraq Link - now THIS one is interesting....we need Congressional Hearings to spotlight other evidence overlooked by the 9/11 Commission: including a March 2001 report suggesting that Osama bin Laden was working with Iraqi intelligence operatives in Germany at a time when Mohamed Atta and two other 9/11 hijack team leaders were living in Hamburg.
Illegal Alien Update: Wisconsin Now Allows I-TINS To Be Used For Housing Loans to Illegals,But Social Security Numbers Are REQUIRED For LEGAL CITIZENS
FoxNews reports that Illegal immigrants are often criticized as unfair competition for U.S. jobs. Now, with an unprecedented program in Wisconsin, they could be competing with legal residents for a new home — with help from the state government....
The first-in-the-nation program, run by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority , is helping to make getting a first mortgage easier —for illegal immigrants...
I don't know about you, but this - to me - is an outrage!
Just WHO do you think is going to pick up the tab when these loans get defaulted on???
Why YOU! and ME! Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer, THAT'S WHO!!
The Sheehan PR Machine
Sheehan's message hasn't changed since she got here, but the support staff interested in getting that message out to the world has grown considerably.
Organizers are set up in a house trailer. Their meetings closed to reporters.
Cohen's group (TrueMajority) has teamed up with Berkeley based, an anti-Bush group co-founded by Joan Blades....
Earlier this month, MoveOn helped organize anti-war vigils in support of Cindy Sheehan...
Current Democratic National Party Chair Howard Dean's organization Democracy for America is also involved, as is the more radical anti-war group CodePink organized by San Francisco's Medea Benjamin...
This week Simi Valley California Gold Star wife Melanie House flew to Idaho for a protest and then flew to Crawford.
ABC7's Mark Matthews: "Can you tell us if you're getting help in airfare to come down here?"
Melanie House: "What difference does that make?"
There is real reluctance to talk about who's paying, and the P.R. machine that's promoting Cindy Sheehan, but not everyone here is completely comfortable with it...
This circus is pure Left wing hate-mongering...
These people haven't gotten over the fact that the majority of Americans re-elected George W. Bush as President...
Cindy Sheehan's anti-Bush, anti-war rhetoric is disgusting to me...but I don't think the woman's got a clue about what/who is backing her...
Then again...maybe she does...
No More Chunky Monkey For Me: Ben Cohen - Co-Founder of Ben and Jerry's - Pays For Cindy Sheehan's PR Firm!
The PR firm working for Cindy Sheehan as she protests outside President Bush's ranch in Texas campaigning over the death of her son killed in Iraq has been paid for by Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
The 24-hour media attention being lavished upon Sheehan owes as much to the professionals supporting her as it does to the emotional impact of her story.
Fenton Communications is assisting Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq, to earn media coverage for her vigil. TrueMajority, a nonprofit advocacy group created by Cohen is paying Washington, DC-based Fenton from the $70,000 that the group has raised so far to support Sheehan's protest efforts.
You remember Ben Cohen, he is the one that went on the road last year, towing a 12-foot-tall effigy of President Bush with fake flames shooting out of the pants....
The Main Stream Media Imbalance
Forget about the fact that Cindy Sheehan and her family met with the President after their son was killed in Iraq...
Forget about the fact that Cindy Sheehan had words of praise for President Bush after that meeting, calling him a "spiritual man"....
But the one thing you CANNOT forget about is this:
There are many, many, many other families that have lost a son or daughter in the war, and because they SUPPORT the President...because they SUPPORT this country's efforts in Iraq to eradicate terrorism at it's root...because they AREN'T anti-war; anti-America; anti-everything-that-stands-for-what-this-President-is-doing-to-make-this-country-safe...the MSM has chosen to ignore them...
Those families that are supporting this President remain invisible to the MSM...and ultimately invisible to most of this country's citizens...because they don't carry the anti-America message that the MSM is looking for...
Yesterday, the President paid a glowing tribute to family members of soldiers serving in Iraq, telling hundreds of Idaho National Guardsmen that America owes them a debt of gratitude...
And President Bush did something else...he introduced the world to Tammy Pruett.
Who is Tammy Pruett? you ask...
I'll tell you:
Tammy Pruett is a military mom...Tammy Pruett is from Pocatello, Idaho...Tammy Pruett now has four sons in Iraq and whose husband and another son returned from war last year....
The President relayed this about Tammy Pruett: "Tammy says this -- and I want you to hear this -- 'I know that if something happens to one of the boys, they would leave this world doing what they believe, what they think is right for our country,' " Mr. Bush said.
I did a google search on Tammy Pruett and got seven results...SEVEN!!!!!!!!!
Do a search on Cindy Sheehan and there are 14,400 hits...and that's just the news a regular google search on Sheehan and there are over 5 million hits...
But...then...Tammy Pruett won't be of interest to the MSM...because she just comes down on the "wrong side" of the patriotism...
Lance Armstrong Now A "Legitimate Target" for The Left
There are what we call 'sour grapes' over the fact that Lance Armstrong has won the Tour de France seven fact, this picture at myway news was posted as "FRANCE_CYCLING_TOUR_DE_FRANCE_ARMSTRONG_DOPING".

We all know the French are sore losers...but now the left has a reason to jump into the fray... that Lance Armstrong has shown the world that he leans 'right'...and ESPECIALLY now that Lance Armstrong DARED ride with President Bush...

I am going to sit back and listen to the torrent of accusations...and wonder...
would it be the same if Armstrong had ridden with....

this goof-ball?
ya...thought so...
Cindy Sheehan - Terrorist Extraordinaire
You know….probably any of you that are baby boomers, as I am, can look back over our lives and recognize that at a certain age…when we were in college…and the Viet Nam war was still going strong…there were times when we questioned what this country was doing…I think at that stage in your life it is normal to “question authority”…
I wasn’t what you would call a “hippie”…but my views at that point in my life were certainly left of what my parent’s were…
But then, I got married…we had kids…we both worked to provide a home and security for our family…we got involved in raising our children…got involved in the community…and all of a sudden – one day – I looked around and realized…I had BECOME “the authority”…
What a defining moment!
But…it happens to all of us…OR, I should say…it happens to MOST of us…WE GROW UP…we mature…we become contributing members of this society…we take on the responsibility of being the ADULTS…
I don’t know Cindy Sheehan…I certainly didn’t know Casey Sheehan…but, from the looks of it, it is evident that Casey was the adult in that mother/son relationship…
Cindy Sheehan – along with a lot of the aging protesters she hangs around with – apparently is stuck somewhere in the past…Cindy Sheehan, from all appearances, has refused to grow up and become a responsible member of this society…
So, what does that say about the people that Cindy Sheehan has been hanging around with?
I don’t have information about what she has been doing all these years, but we do have information about who she has been hanging with…what she has been saying…since her son heroically died in Iraq…
These are HARD CORE people…Socialists…Communists…people that – from what they do and say – HATE THIS COUNTRY…
On May 4, 2005, a rally was held as San Francisco State University College, in support of Lynne Stewart, the terrorist lawyer, who bills herself as a “Civil Rights Lawyer and Political Prisoner.” Stewart was recently convicted of conspiracy and for passing along fatwas (Islamic religious edicts) from Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman to his terrorist followers in Egypt’s Islamic Group. Rahman is the blind sheikh responsible for the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 that left six Americans dead and more than 1,000 people injured.
In fact, Lynne Stewart, when asked her if she knew Abdel Rahman was writing out fatwas to kill Jews, replied that yes, she could not deny this to him because the Blind Sheik said that killing Jews was a good thing.
Let’s get one thing straight…
Cindy Sheehan is NOT a victim…
Plain and simple - Cindy Sheehan is a terrorist…YES – a terrorist!
Cindy Sheehan hates this country as much as the people that she has been hanging around with…the communist, socialist, anti-American crowd that are aiding and abetting the OTHER terrorists that are attacking and killing Americans.
My grandfather used to tell me “birds of a feather, flock together”…and you know…the older I get…the smarter my grandpa gets…
Cindy Sheehan's Fellow Terrorists

THESE are just some of the people that Cindy Sheehan has been associated with...
After speaking at San Francisco State University last May, FrontPage Magazine posted an article about the protest and the protesters. You really should read the entire article and educate yourself about what these people are drilling into our young student's heads on our campuses.
Specifically, when addressing Cindy Sheehan, the article stated the following:
Cindy Sheehan followed this act. Wearing a sweatshirt advertising the website for United for Peace and Justice, Sheehan was interviewed outside just before the meeting by an ABC-TV news reporter. Sheehan said then that military recruiters should not be allowed on college campuses, maintaining they trick naïve 18-year-olds with offers of money and scholarships. Tragically, Cindy Sheehan lost her son Casey who was in the Army and was killed two weeks after arriving in Iraq. She claimed he was promised a job as a chaplain’s assistant although once in the service was placed in a combat role and killed, certainly a moving story – one she exploits to promote venomous anti-Americanism. “George Bush and his neo-conservatives killed my son,” she said tearing up a bit. “America has been killing people on this continent since it was started. This country is not worth dying for.”

Sheehan said she considered Lynne Stewart her Atticus Finch, the lawyer who defended an innocent Black man accused of rape in the book and film “To Kill A Mockingbird.”
“They’re not waging a War on Terror but a War of Terror,” she said. “The biggest terrorist is George W. Bush.” She claimed “it costs $66,000 to recruit one soldier, not including training, and $49,000 a year to house a prisoner, yet only $6,000 per year is spent to educate a child in California. (Recruiting costs are actually $15,000 per soldier, the cost of housing a prisoner in California for one year is $26,000.)
Sheehan continued, “9/11 was Pearl Harbor for the neo-conservatives’ agenda” and declared the U.S. government a “morally repugnant system.” Then she raged:
We have no Constitution. We’re the only country with no checks and balances. We want our country back if we have to impeach George Bush down to the person who picks up the dog sh-t in Washington! Let George Bush send his two little party animals to die in Iraq. It’s OK for Israel to have nuclear weapons but we are waging nuclear war in Iraq, we have contaminated the entire country. It’s not OK for Syria to be in Lebanon. Hypocrites! But Israel can occupy Palestine? Stop the slaughter!
While one might dismiss some of Sheehan’s hyperbole due to grief over her son’s death, a little research about Casey Sheehan revealed that contrary to being tricked by military recruiters, Casey Sheehan had re-enlisted in the U.S. Army voluntarily when he was 24-years-old, after serving his first hitch successfully. Casey Sheehan was in fact a hero who received a Bronze Star. He was attached as a mechanic to the artillery division of the 1st U.S. Cavalry in Iraq. When a convoy of soldiers from Casey’s unit was attacked in Sadr City by insurgents, Casey volunteered to join a rapid rescue force to get them out. His commanding sergeant told him he did not have to go into combat, because he was a mechanic and not an infantryman. Casey was quoted telling his officer, “I go where my chief goes.” He was tragically killed during the rescue attempt. The source for this story? Cindy Sheehan herself.
I also visited an army recruiting office on my way home and asked about Casey being promised a job as a chaplain’s assistant only to be thrust into harm’s way. The recruiter explained to me that on re-enlistment, the Army’s B.E.A.R. program (Bonus Extension and Retaining) guarantees everything in writing. If Casey was a mechanic during his first hitch, that was the only thing he would have been guaranteed per his re-enlistment contract. Further research showed that a chaplain’s assistant is a combat infantry position, whereas Casey was deployed in a non-combat job as a mechanic. Casey Sheehan sought combat duty for his country and should be honored for it, not used as a symbol of how evil the United States is.
This article was written on May 5, 2005...well before Cindy Sheehan decided to set up camp outside the President's home...
This woman, Cindy Sheehan, is dangerous....
Forget the 'grieving mother' moniker...Cindy Sheehan has apparently made a career of being an anti-democracy, anti-American protester...
The Whole World Watches As the Demise of the Democratic Party is Defined By Cindy Sheehan's Mental Breakdown
Steyn makes the comparison between the end of the Sheehan's marraige and the end of the Democratic Party in America...the split within the Democratic Party that is becoming more and more apparent every interesting analogy...and not far off the mark...’s a fine idea, and I’m sure the reason Bush won’t do it is because he understands that Mrs Sheehan is having a mental breakdown in public and it would be cruel to take advantage of that. If only the Michael Moore Left had that much decency.
But in the wreckage of Pat and Cindy Sheehan’s marriage there is surely a lesson for the Democratic party. As Cindy says, they’re both Democrats, but she’s ‘more liberal’ and ‘more radicalised’. There are a lot of less liberal and less radicalised Dems out there: they’re soft-left-ish on healthcare and the environment and education and so forth; many have doubts about the war, but they love their country, they have family in the military, and they don’t believe in dishonouring American soldiers to make a political point. The problem for the Democratic party is that the Cindys are now the loudest voice: Michael Moore, Howard Dean,, and Air America, the flailing liberal radio network distracting attention from its own financial scandals by flying down its afternoon host Randi Rhodes to do her show live from Camp Casey. The last time I heard Miss Rhodes she was urging soldiers called up for Iraq to refuse to go — i.e., to desert — and entertaining theories that 9/11 was Bush’s Reichstag fire.
On unwatched Sunday talk shows you can still stumble across the occasional sane responsible Dem. But, in the absence of any serious intellectual attempt to confront their long-term decline, all the energy on the Left is with the fringe. The Democratic party is a coalition of Pat Sheehans and Cindy Sheehans, and the noisier the Cindys get the more estranged the Pats are likely to feel. Sorry about that, but, if Mrs Sheehan can insist her son’s corpse be the determining factor in American policy on Iraq, I don’t see why her marriage can’t be a metaphor for the state of the Democratic party.
Casey Sheehan was a 21-year-old man when he enlisted in 2000. He re-enlisted for a second tour, and he died after volunteering for a rescue mission in Sadr City. Mrs Sheehan says she wishes she’d driven him to Canada, though that’s not what he would have wished and it was his decision. As to whether he died in vain, the Associated Press reported this week:
‘The capital’s Sadr City section was once a hotbed of Shiite Muslim unrest, but it has become one of the brightest successes for the US security effort. So far this year, there has been only one car bombing in the neighborhood, and only one American soldier has been killed.’
Cindy Sheehan is a woman whose grief has curdled into a narcissistic rage, and the Democrats cheering her on are cheering their own marginalisation. Most Americans will not follow where she’s gone — to the wilder shores of anti-Bush, anti-war, anti-Iraq, anti-Afghanistan, anti-Israel, anti-American paranoia. Casey Sheehan’s service was not the act of a child. A shame you can’t say the same about his mom’s new friends....
Sometimes it takes someone a little removed from the heat of the discussion...someone from the other side of an see what really is going on...and put a name on it...
Honoring Spc. Casey Sheehan
I was gonna write about Cindy Sheehan's extreme 180 she has done since meeting with President Bush last year...
I was gonna write about Cindy Sheehan's love affair with the media...and her radical-anti-war-hippy-socialist-anti-government friends...
But, instead, I decided to do THIS:
Today I am honoring the service that Spc. Casey Sheehan gave to this country...
Spc. Casey Sheehan gave the ultimate sacrifice...he gave his service to this the name of freedom...and if his mother isn't up to the job of honoring her son's life...I guess we are.

Spc. Casey Sheehan
Thank You, Casey Sheehan.
May you rest in peace.
Here is a great way to support our troops COOL OUR TROOPS


COOL OUR TROOPS sends misting units that our soldiers can donate online...they send the units to our military in Iraq and Afghanistan...
Donate today...this is a good project.
You can read some of the letters from grateful soldiers on the site.
HT: Bruce Jacobs, morning host on local KFYI radio
Clinton State Department Documents Outlined bin Laden Threat to the United States in Summer 1996
“This is not a case of hindsight being 20/20,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These documents prove the Clinton administration knew the danger Osama bin Laden posed to the United States back in 1996 and yet failed to take any meaningful action to stop him.”
Click here to read the actual Clinton State Department documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, and click here to read a New York Times article written about Judicial Watch’s discovery.
1996 was five years before the tragic day of September 11, 2001...FIVE YEARS!
Yea, folks...this is the president that was more concerned with interns...cigars...and wearing ties "to send a message" to that intern...Guess national security just wasn't as exciting, hmmm?
How Disgusting Is It When National Security Becomes a Political Football?
Janet Napolitano has been falling all over herself - vetoing any and all bills that deal, or attempt to deal with, the HUGE illegal alien problem we have in this state...but - actually - she's been doing that kind of thing since 2003...Napolitano tried her damndest to stop Prop 200, but we got it through...WE VOTED IT INTO LAW...So...why isn't it being treated like a law??
Guvvie Napolitano...the power-mad woman that she is...has recently gone to hiding behind the skirts of our Attorney General, Terry Goddard... "Napolitano says she'll sign voter ID rules accepted by Goddard"...since WHEN has our governor EVER "adhered" to ANYONE?? Especially if that "anyone" is a subordinate??
The real issue is this - and I am going to quote from a reader opinion submitted to the AZ Republic:
The squabble between Attorney General Terry Goddard and Secretary of State Jan Brewer is not only over the details of implementing the new rules, but the idea of any suggestions to combat illegal immigration. Goddard does not favor the passage of Proposition 200.
Thus far, with Democrat Terry Goddard's suggestions, Napolitano has vetoed the implementation of Proposition 200 and several other measures this year aimed at enforcing immigration laws.
Napolitano will sign only what Goddard accepts, and the only thing that will be acceptable by Goddard and Napolitano is laws to make Arizona a more desirable destination for illegal aliens.
Napolitano has gone on the record many times stating that the securing the border is a "Federal issue...a Federal problem", in an attempt to exonerate herself for her in-action...and her end-runs to block in-state action...
HEY! The voters of Arizona voted by a huge margin last November to adopt Proposition 200 which would, for one thing, force anyone that wants to vote to produce a valid I.D.
What's wrong with THAT??
We have to produce I.D. to:
- Cash a check
- Buy an airline ticket
- Rent a video or DVD
- Rent a car
- Buy alcohol
- Buy cigarettes
- Pick up concert tickets at Will Call
I could go on and get the picture.....
So, why am I going down this road, you ask?
NOW, our guvvie declared an emergency yesterday in four border counties because of "problems related to illegal immigration"...
Why Now?
Why THIS??
I'll tell you...
It's because next year in Arizona is a gubernatorial election...and ole' Janet...power-seeking-I'll-crush-you-if-you-get-in-my-way-Janet is beginning to put her re-election machine to work...
Don't think for ONE SECOND that Janet Napolitano is concerned about the borders, the protection of our borders, the illegal alien problem, the fallout of all the above...SHE ISN'T!
If she WAS...she would have done something a long, long, long, long time ago...this is the same governor that is in favor of issuing AZ driver's licenses to illegal aliens...she wants votes...plain and simple...even if they are votes from illegals...
From as far away as Maine, I am reading THIS...
The people GET IT...
Bill O'Reilly: Weak-Knee'd-Yellow-Belly-Sap-Sucker
I watch a lot of FoxNews, as most of you probably already know...but tonight O'Reilly went overboard...
he claimed to be "looking out for our people" and yet...AND YET...
O'Reilly was calling for Donald Rumsfeld's head.......
Thank God for Zell Miller!
Thank God for the general that was on with them!
O'Reilly showed his true colors don't give up and cry "Uncle!" when the terrorists turn up the heat!!
You turn it right back around and give 'em HELL!!
What a moron...
*Update - it was Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, USAF (Ret.), that was on O'Reilly's show earlier...I wasn't being disrespectful...just flabbergasted at O'Reilly's ignorance I guess...
Iraqi People: Only War Will Get Us Out of Our Present Condition
That's what these 'war protestors' would have you believe...but...
FORTUNATELY, there are others that are willing to admit: I was wrong to oppose the war...this man went to Iraq to visit relatives and had his eyes opened...and his mind drastically changed...
His relatives told him - in no uncertain terms - that they are GLAD that the war freed them from Saddam Hussein: "Look at our lives!" they said. "We live like animals: no food, no car, no telephone, no job, and, most of all, no hope." That's why they wanted this war...
I wept with relatives whose son just screamed all day long. I cried with a relative who had lost his wife. Yet another left home every day for a "job" where he had nothing to do. Still another had lost a son to war and a husband to alcoholism.
As I observed the slow death of a people without hope, Saddam Hussein seemed omnipresent. There were his statues; posters showed him with his hand outstretched or firing his rifle, or wearing an Arab headdress. These images seemed to be on every wall, in the middle of the road, in homes....
"Everything will be all right when the war is over," people told me. "No matter how bad it is, we will not all die. Twelve years ago, it went almost all the way but failed. We cannot wait anymore. We want the war, and we want it now."
This man even tried to reassure his relatives that the U.N. was on the way with help (Sure!):
When I told members of my family that some sort of compromise with Iraq was being worked out at the United Nations, they reacted not with joy but anger: "Only war will get out of our present condition."
These 'human shields'...these war they ever consider what conditions the victims of Saddam Hussein lived under?
Probably not...for, you see, these are the people that are running scared...these people are not heroes...they are afraid for THEIR SKIN...
These are the people that - if challanged - would fall on the ground screaming "Don't hurt me...don't hurt ME!"
Makes me sick...
Cindy Sheehan's Freak Show
Now her husband has filed for divorce - in what the Smoking Gun calls "a curious bit of timing" - after 28 years I guess he's had enough of Cindy, too...
The woman is crazy!
Her son joined - JOINED - the military!
He wasn't dragged off against his will...there was no draft...HE JOINED!
It is time for that woman to stop screaming...stop protesting...stop bragging about the fact that she hasn't paid her taxes...oh ya...even the China newspapers picked up on that one...
Every word that comes out of her mouth in this manner is one more disgrace she is heaping...piling...on the grave of her son...
Klay South caught my eye for one reason: he was injured pretty badly in the battle in Fallujah -- in fact, he got shot in the face...he has had 17 surgeries so far to reconstruct his mouth, lips, face, teeth...and the guy is so humble...he is not afraid to say that he would do it all over again...
He would go over to Iraq again...knowing what he was facing...because he understands what this is all about....
His parents, on the Fox show...they get it...
South's father said (and I am paraphrasing) "We understand that it is our duty to help and protect those people in the world that are unable to help themselves"...
South's face is beautiful...not Hollywood beautiful...but beautiful because he bears the scars of battle and bears no ill-will of either the President or of the Iraqi people...
He killed terrorists because he gets it...
And I am dedicating this blog today to Klay South...and all of the brave Marines in India Company that fought the Battle of Fallujah...and all of the brave men and women that continue to fight the good fight...
Tip of the Iceberg? 10 Non-U.S. Citizens Charged for Registering to Vote in Arizona
They admitted they were not citizens on jury duty affidavits, but county officials discovered they were still registered to vote, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas said...
This is not strictly an Arizona problem:
North Carolina
...and I just did a quick search...
Family To Cindy Sheehan: PLEASE STOP This Publicity Stunt
Sheehan Family Statement:
The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.
Sincerely, Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.
If this is verified to be a valid statement from the Sheehan family, it proves the one thing that many of us have noted: Cindy Sheehan -- liar that she is -- is only doing this to extend her 15 minutes of fame...
What a loser!
So...What EXACTLY Is 'Unreasonable' Search and Seizure?

Once again, Cox & Forkum hits the nail on the head...
The Bill of Rights...
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution...laid it all out for all of is a wonderful roadmap of our rights and what we can expect as citizens of the United States of America.
Are you familiar with the amendments and what each one means? Can YOU tell me what the Forth Amendment is?
Amendment IV - Search and seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Unreasonable search...what exactly does that mean?
Does it apply to someone that is carrying a backpack on to, say, a public transit system?
We have these measures in place in order to allow those that are responsible for our safety to carry out their job...and yet, extremists are protesting...
Let me tell you...this is EXACTLY what we need...
But I agree that there is a very, very fine line...and I have witnessed some of those in a position of authority abuse that authority and cross that line...but, fortunately, those people have been in the minority...
We have to agree that there is a greater good...and we have to agree to work towards that greater good and FORGET the partisan pettiness when it comes to our national security.
I will be the first one to cry "FOUL!" if those that we look to for protection abuse that position...but we have to give those same people latitude to do their job...
We also have to acknowledge that there ARE REAL TERRORISTS...and they don't want to come to this country for a vacation...THEY ARE HERE TO KILL US..
So, let's agree to disagree on all the other issues...but when it comes to protecting our homes...protecting our families...let's agree to allow those charged with making sure our lives are safe to do just that...
I, for one, don't ever...EVER...want to find myself in a position of questioning the motives of those very people...and I certainly don't want them to not be able to react for fear of being accused of the very thing that this cartoon portrays...
Evicted For Flying American Flag?

Michael and Deborah Privitello, who celebrated their love for the U.S. by getting married on Independence Day, received a letter signed by landlord Francis Greenburger stating the American flag breached their lease, and they would be evicted should it remain in place.
I only have one question...
Texas is Fourth State With a "Majority-Minority"...But Are They Legal?

Texas joins California, New Mexico and Hawaii as states with majority-minority populations - with Hispanics the largest group in every state but Hawaii, where it is Asian-Americans....
And I ask again...
OH, and...Evidently Maureen Dowd's Prozac Has Run Out...
guess she didn't take the time off to gain a real perspective on life in general...
too bad...
REAL Concerned Mothers Look Like THIS
They're there when military men and women head overseas. They're there to shower them with love when they come home again. Their thoughts are with them every day, no matter where they are. They are the Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc., whose members hang blue stars in their windows whenever their children join the armed forces.
Unlike media whores like Cindy Sheehan, these mothers are the real thing...
The MSM has been totally complicit in this coverup of what Bill Clinton knew...when he knew it...and what he DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT...
Sandy Berger knows what went down....the former National Security Advisor...Bill Clinton's goon, reduced to a treasonous act...stealing classified documents...
Why was Jamie Gorelick appointed to the 9/11 Commission...instead of appearing as a witness to the "Wall" that was built between agencies??...the "Wall" that she built and continued to protect after she was on the commission...the very same "Wall" that prevented information about the 9/11 terrorists from being disseminated...??!
Clinton Admin. Knew of 9/11 Hijackers
But the critical information was not acted on, at least in part, because of prohibitions against intelligence sharing implemented by former Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, who was reportedly installed in her post at the insistence of then-first lady Hillary Clinton....
(snip) In fact, such intelligence sharing was strictly prohibited under Ms. Gorelick's policy, known at the Justice Department as "The Wall," which, in the spring of 2000, had also prevented the CIA from tipping off the FBI that two additional 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, had entered the country.
Al-Midhar and al-Hamzi were identified by the Able Danger team as well, the Times said.
In its final report, however, the 9/11 Commission made no mention of the fact that the Clinton administration had identified key members of the hijack team, even though, the Times noted, that information had been shared with 9/11 Commission members.
(snip) Ms. Gorelick is expected to be a leading candidate for attorney general should Mrs. Clinton win the 2008 presidential election.
All of this is important because the 9/11 Commission knew about this and failed to include it in their report...any report...
If you remember, Gorelick worked alongside Richard Ben-Veniste, who made his reputation in his early thirties as a prosecutor working for Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworski on Watergate.
Tod Lindberg, editorial-page editor of the Washington Times, wrote a great article - The Hideous Career of Richard Ben-Veniste - and concluded with:
So it is. And it will, indeed, be interesting to see whether the liberal, overwhelmingly Democratic D.C. bar comes down on liberal Democrat Richard Ben- Veniste with the same fury as it came down on conservative Republican Abraham Sofaer. Or if that old pattern going back to the Watergate days will continue to assert itself--with Richard Ben-Veniste as a force unto himself, the righteous doer of partisan Democratic deeds, and never mind such petty concerns as fair play or appropriate conduct.
Apparently Ben-Veniste, Gorelick, et al, took it upon themselves to cover up this critical not releasing this information - when serving on a commission to 'uncover the truth'!
Clearly Bill Clinton KNEW more than he has ever admitted...
Clinton FAILED to pass that information along to the incoming President...
SANDY BERGER - the stuff-the-documents-down-your-pants standup former Clinton National Security Advisor was part of the cover-up...
Cindy Sheehan is a LIAR
Of course no one wants to hear the news that their son, father, husband, daughter, etc - has been killed while in action, but to act the way this mother is acting is nothing more than a disgrace.
Her son was in the military for four years prior to his death...he joined even before September 11, 2001...
All the reporters falling all over themselves because this woman declares that the President was 'acting like he was at a party'...these people will believe ANYTHING because they hate the President so much...
But, I digress...
Matt Drudge has posted the following:
Mon Aug 08 2005 10:11:07 ET
The mother of a fallen U.S. soldier who is holding a roadside peace vigil near President Bush's ranch -- has dramatically changed her account about what happened when she met the commander-in-chief last summer!
Cindy Sheehan, 48, of Vacaville, Calif., who last year praised Bush for bringing her family the "gift of happiness," took to the nation's TV outlets this weekend to declare how Bush "killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity."
CINDY 2004
THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA published an account of Cindy Sheehan's visit with the president at Fort Lewis near Seattle on June 24, 2004:
"'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith.'
"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.
"The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.
"For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.
For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.
"'That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together,' Cindy said."
you see Cindy Sheehan, when you LIE...the other story you told is already on record...the OTHER story -- ie: the REAL STORY -- was already recorded the FIRST TIME you spoke to the press...
Dissent In The Ranks -- Complaints About the "Quality" of Attacks vs Quantity...
Wait! what did I just write??
"Mistreatment of foreign fighters"...?
Well, yeah...when the authors of the letters are from within the ranks of Al Qaeda...
A letter allegedly written by a member of Al Qaeda in Iraq to its country head Abu Mosab Al Zarqawi suggests that there was dissent in the ranks of fighters operating out of Mosul, according to excerpts provided in a statement by the US military on Saturday.
In the letter that the US says it discovered July 27 during a raid on a home in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, the author “Abu Zayd” complained of poor local leadership in the organization and the mistreatment of foreign fighters.
“This is a clarification of what has become of the situation in Mosul, and it is no secret to you the noticeable decrease in the attacks carried out by the mujahideen from not long ago when Mosul was in the hands of the mujahideen,” wrote Abu Zayd.
The most recent wave of bloody attacks in the city occurred in late June...
OH Man!!
Seems like not only the President is suffering from lower ratings in the opinion polls...
Among the charges Abu Zayd levels at the leadership, according to the summary provided by the statement, are the incompetence of the Mosul leadership, disobedience of troops and the squandering of funds.
His woes include the “deplorable” conditions suffered by non-Iraqi fighters including bad pay, housing problems and marginalisation within the organisation. The statement did not give Abu Zayd’s nationality.
It also said attacks “lack diversity” and that there was a focus on “quantity not quality”.
A similar letter by a cell leader who fought in Fallujah was found in May in Baghdad, said the statement.
Can we blame it on the heat?
Border Patrol Hired an Illegal Alien and Gave Him a Gun
On Thursday, August 4th, 2005, suspected illegal alien Oscar Antonio Ortiz, was arrested in San Diego County, California, not only for allegedly falsifying Government documents to secure employment as a Border Patrol Agent, but also for smuggling fellow illegal aliens into the United States, while serving in his capacity as an Agent....
Just to make sure that this is a bona-fide story, I looked around...sure enough...reports are starting to come in:
San Francisco Gate
LA Times
San Diego Union Tribune
Mexican Police Teach Children A New Song: "I never had a father, and now I never will, the only one I had, I killed"
A bid by Mexican police to polish their image backfired after youngsters at a police summer camp were filmed chanting that they had killed their dads and tossed their sisters into ditches.
Mexican newspapers and TV carried reports on Thursday that children as young as 6 were taught to belt out the lurid marching song at an elite federal police youth camp for up to 3,000 kids near Mexico City.
"I never had a father, and now I never will, the only one I had, I killed," the grinning youngsters chanted in the clip shot at the camp in recent days and aired on national TV.
"I never had a mother, and now I never will, the only one I had, I put into a home ... I never had a sister, and now I never will, the only one I had, I threw into a ditch," they continued.
Mexico's police are struggling to shake off an enduring reputation for brutality and corruption, with some units routinely linked to kidnap and drug trafficking gangs by investigators.
Warms the heart, don't it?
Yeah...these are the people that are streaming over our borders 24/7...
Teddy Kennedy Shows Off His Flip-Flopping Skills
Imagine a world where that same Teddy Kennedy is a proponent of a Supreme Court candidates ability to "defer any comments on any matters"...
It wasn't that long ago that those were EXACTLY the positions held by ole' Teddy...
You see, that's the problem whenever you express your opinions on issues as important as these...usually the cameras are rolling...the mikes are near your mouth...the reporters are writing down what you are saying...word-for-word...
CNS News has video footage of Kennedy THEN -- in 1967 -- stating for the cameras: "We have to respect that any nominee to the Supreme Court would have to defer any comments on any matters, which are either before the court or very likely to be before the court," Kennedy said during the 1967 press conference. "This has been a procedure which has been followed in the past and is one which I think is based upon sound legal precedent."
And Kennedy TODAY...saying the federal judge "will be expected to answer fully" any questions about his views on controversial issues...
Watch the video...He - Kennedy - says it himself...
And...then...there's this LETTER...
Kennedy was responding to someone about abortion...he was PRO-LIFE then...
"The same Ted Kennedy who once championed the rights of the unborn now champions the right of a doctor to jam a scissor into the skull of an infant who is 80-percent born," said William Donohue, president of the Catholic League. "Sadly for him, history will look back at this era and recognize that he didn't care enough about human beings to take responsibility for children from the very moment of conception."
Guess that's the sound of Teddy Kennedy walking down the aisle?
Despicable: The New York Times Investigates Judge Robert's Children's Adoption Records
Let me tell you...this is going to get ugly and there is no need for it to go that way...but the Democrats are obviously so self loathing about their self-induced loss of power that they will sink to new lows in ANY EFFORT to gain -- in their eye -- an upperhand in a controversial situation...
But this...THIS....this is nothing less than vile...
The traditional Democrats of this country had better wake up...their party has been hijacked by loathesome, sleazy, desperate extremists who are proving every day just how desperate they are and what extremes they are willing to go to make their point...
Two Terror Cells Discovered in Jordan -- Planning to Attack U.S. Troops
They said interrogations of the suspects revealed six of them had ties to Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, head of the al Qaeda network in Iraq, while the others belonged to an underground Saudi group known as the Brigades of the Holy Shrines.
"They were planning attacks on foreign officers in the kingdom," said one security source, referring to a plot to attack U.S. military personnel who frequent five-star hotels while on leave from duty in neighboring Iraq.
The arrests came after an investigation that used informers to hunt Jordanian militants allied to Zarqawi who help recruit Arab militants to fight against U.S. troops.
"The interrogations revealed their membership of these underground groups. They were recruiting terrorists for al Qaeda in Iraq and collecting donations for the organization," said another security source.
Jordanian intelligence has stepped up its watch after receiving warnings of possible attacks against Western and Israeli targets in the kingdom following recent bomb attacks in London and the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
A security officer said the latest arrests were linked to heightened risks of attack by al-Qaeda that also included Israeli targets in the kingdom. He did not elaborate.
Who Do These Terrorists Think They Are??
Today's tape - the first message from Bin Laden's inner circle to directly mention the July 7 suicide bombings in which 52 people were killed in the capital - Zawahri says: "Blair's policies will bring more destruction to Britons after the London explosions, God willing".
Know what I have to say to that?
The terrorist's murders and suicide bombings will bring THEIR destruction...GOD WILLING.
I am SICK to death of these pukes making these tapes and making their threats to the rest of the world.
Go ahead...blow yourself up, Al...oh, that's right...YOU don't blow yourself send your young followers...your brain-washed kill themselves...YOU stay home and make movies...
If they think that making threats like this is going to make people quake in their boots and give them their way...they obviously don't know just how much FREE PEOPLE value their FREEDOM.
Air America Stealing From The Mouths of Poor, Minority Children
Some of my co-workers have encouraged me to listen to Air get a "balanced view of what is going on in the world" took their advice and have been stopping by once in a while...
Let me tell you...those people over at Air America are vile...hate-spewing...and just plain can hear it in every word that spews into the microphone, whether it is a local host or one of the few national ones...they prefer to trash the President of the free world while holding terrorists and murderers up as 'heros'...they would rather talk delightedly -- in lurid and graphic detail -- about the prospect of what Karl Rove would face with prison inmates than deal with reality...disgusting...
But, I digress...
Where is the outrage in the MSM? I haven't heard a whisper...
Looks like Brian Maloney over at RadioEqualizer broke the story last week...Great job, Maloney!
News Max carried a report as long as a week ago...and no one else has paid much attention to it...
Today Edward Morrissey over at the Weekly Standard wrote a great piece...One would expect that mainstream journalists would want to take advantage of this opportunity to cover this harmonic convergence: A greedy corporation had taken a half-million dollars of city grant money from two certifiably sympathetic and traditional victim groups in order to pay off its already-wealthy employees. Surprisingly, only three mainstream outlets did so: the Washington Times, in an editorial calling attention to the blog reports, a New York Post article doing much the same, and a New York Sun article detailing even more extensive malfeasance on the part of the CEO. After speaking with the president of the charity's executive committee, Jeanette Graves, the Sun's David Lombino discovered that the CEO in question got the loans using rubber-stamp replicas of Ms. Graves's signature on documents never seen by her. A wire transfer of over $400,000 of the charity's funds went to the corporation, also without her knowledge.
In fact, the amount in question now totals $875,000, which the corporation's new ownership discovered on its own but never revealed to authorities. This company has now belatedly agreed to repay the money--but over two years, while the charity remains under funded for its tasks and suffered the loss of other government contracts due to its nonperformance on these earmarked grants. What a story! What a blockbuster!
Yet most of the mainstream media has been oddly silent. Why?
WELL, FOR ONE THING, we have thus far neglected to name the corporation involved. The company that took money from poor kids and Alzheimer's patients to pay off its high-priced employees is Air America and the CEO was its original founder, Evan Cohen.
Michelle Malkin makes a good point...where's Jesse Jackson?...where's Al Sharpton?...Where are they? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the supermen of the civil rights establishment -- able to leap tall buildings in a single bound to get in front of a picket line. When victim politics calls, the demagogic duo leap into patented action: March. Boycott. Shakedown. Repeat.
Someone had better pay attention to this and shine the light of day on all the sordid details...
Jimmy Carter Just Won't SHUT UP
Al Jazeera picked it up...CBC News out of Canada...Hindustan Times of India...Khaleej Times from Saudi Arabia...all gleefully reported to the world that Jimmy Carter has declared that Guantanamo is a "disgrace to the world".
What is it about Jimmah?
Who CARES that he was awarded a Nobel Peace was Nelson was Yasser Arafat...THAT should tell you about the "quality" of the recipients...
Jimmah Carter is a classless, spineless, undignified buffoon...
Once you have risen to the most powerful position in the don't criticize your successors just DON'T.
If you have a gripe, pick up the phone...don't go overseas where you know you will get a standing ovation because you are speaking to an audience that already hates the person you are speaking about...
Let me tell you something...
All of his hate speeches...all of his accusations...all of his finger pointing...
NONE OF IT will EVER wipe out the fact that he failed...HE FAILED!!!
Carter left Americans in Iranian prisons...
Jimmah Carter FAILED to secure the release of Americans that were imprisoned and being tortured...
Carter is a FAILURE!
And none of his rhetoric is ever going to change that.....
Helen Thomas Suicide Threat Update
White House press doyenne Helen Thomas is plenty peeved at her longtime friend Albert Eisele, editor of THE HILL newspaper in Washington, D.C.
In a column this week headlined "Reporter: Cheney's Not Presidential Material," Eisele quoted Thomas as saying "The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself. All we need is one more liar."
Thomas also said: "I think he'd like to run, but it would be a sad day for the country if he does," according to Eisele's column.
But Thomas said yesterday at the White House that her comments to Eisele were for his ears only. "I'll never talk to a reporter again!" Thomas was overheard saying.
"We were just talking -- I was ranting -- and he wrote about it. That isn't right. We all say stuff we don't want printed," Thomas said.
But Eisele said that when he called Thomas, "I assume she knew that we were on the record."
"She's obviously very upset about it, but it was a small item -- until Drudge picked it up and broadcast it across the universe," Eisele said.
Still, he noted that reporters aren't that happy when the tables are turned. "Nobody has thinner skin than reporters," Eisele said with a laugh....
Uh, yeah...Karl Rove comes immediately to mind...
Recess Appointments: President Bush - 106...President Clinton - 140...
President Clinton made 140 recess appointments over his two-term presidency...didn't hear the Dems howling then, did we?
President Bush has the right to appoint Bolton as U.N. Secretary...and if the Dems are going to insist on filabustering until they go into recess...what options does that leave the President?
Dems are so insincere...they are using two sets of for for US...
Congratulations to John Bolton...he may be a strong personality...but, isn't that what we need right now at the U.N.?
Terrorists Are Acting With Impunity Because of Idiot Judges Like Judge Coughenour
Terrorists are acting with impunity - coming to this country and using our own laws against us to tear this country apart...
I agree...and the liberals are falling all over themseleves to help them!
A good example is the idiot judge, Judge Coughenour, that handed down a nothing sentence to what the media has been calling the 'millenium bomber'...and at the same time the idiot judge chose to chastise the President:
'I would like to convey the message that our system works. We did not need to use a secret military tribunal, or detain the defendant indefinitely as an enemy combatant, or deny him the right to counsel, or invoke any proceedings beyond those guaranteed by or contrary to the United States Constitution.
'I would suggest that the message to the world from today's sentencing is that our courts have not abandoned our commitment to the ideals that set our nation apart. We can deal with the threats to our national security without denying the accused fundamental constitutional protections.'
Judge Coughenour took a final swipe at the Bush administration's present policy of dealing with suspected terrorists when he added, 'Unfortunately, some believe that this threat renders our Constitution obsolete. This is a Constitution for which men and women have died and continue to die and which has made us a model among nations. If that view is allowed to prevail, the terrorists will have won.'