Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak IS to speak. Not to act IS to act. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer / We all must make a choice between what is right and what is easy. ~ Dumbledor
Minutemen Rally to Kick off Independence Weekend
CONTACT: Mitch Geiger 480.773.7358
Minutemen Rally to Kick off Independence Weekend
Support our troops by securing our border now
PHOENIX, AZ – Minuteman Project founders, Chris Simcox and Jim Gilchrist will be among the speakers featured at a rally on the steps of the State Capitol in Phoenix on Friday, July 1 st. Other speakers will include: John and Barbara March, parents of slain deputy David March; Russell Pearce, AZ State Representative; Randy Graf, Candidate for US Congress, and Mark Edwards, Wake up America Foundation.
“Secure our Borders” is the theme of this rally scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM. In addition to many Minuteman participants and immigration reform advocates from across the nation, the general public has been invited to show support for our troops and tighter border enforcement.
New Citizen & Minuteman volunteer Luca Zanna will lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Rally organizers, Mitch Geiger and Jimmy Wade, both disabled Veterans who volunteer with Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, wanted to do something to show support for the troops. “We have a duty to our fellow soldiers to secure this border while they are away fighting,” said Geiger in a phone interview on Monday, “It isn’t right to put their families at risk with an open border.”
In keeping with the spirit of the Minuteman Project, rally participants will be peaceful and respect the law.
A small contingent of counter protesters are expected.
...see you there...
WA Times: Widow Tells Bush to Stay the Course in Iraq War
"I said: 'I know people are pushing you, but please don't pull the guys out of Iraq too soon,' " said Crystal Owen, whose husband, Staff Sgt. Mike Owen, was killed in Iraq last year.
"Don't let my husband -- and 1,700-plus other deaths -- be in vain," she added during a private meeting with Mr. Bush at the North Carolina base. "They were over there, fighting for a democratic nation, and I hope you'll keep our service members over there until the mission can be accomplished."
...Although not all family members agree with the president's policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, many reported being deeply moved by their sessions with him. These include Dave Bader, whose brother, Staff Sgt. Daniel Bader, was killed in Iraq.
"He was just a regular American who came to talk to us," he told the Denver Post after meeting with Mr. Bush at Fort Carson, Colo., in November, 2003. "I was touched by that."
WHERE IS THE MSM ON THIS: Ward Churchill Supports Troops Killing Their Commanding Officers
Pirate Ballerina and World Net Daily report the following:
Ward Churchill, harsh and scolding, at a forum on Conscientious Objection and resistance to military recruiters in Portland, Oregon Friday:
For those of you who do, as a matter of principle, oppose war in any form, the idea of supporting a conscientious objector who's already been inducted [and] in his combat service in Iraq might have a certain appeal.But let me ask you this: Would you render the same support to someone who hadn't conscientiously objected, but rather instead rolled a grenade under their line officer in order to neutralize the combat capacity of their unit?
After discussing the effectiveness of fragging officers in Vietnam, Churchill says (26:48):
You cannot maintain a military projection of force in the field when your own troops are taking out the line officers who are directing them in combat. It is as simple as that. Conscientious objection removes a given piece of the cannon fodder from the fray; fragging an officer has a much more impactful effect.
Later on the tape during Q & A (available to in MP3 format at Pirate Ballerina):
Questioner: I think it's important when you're getting into a discussion of violence and appropriate violence and self-defense, of starting to look at what you're trying to build there, what you're trying to create—for example, fragging an officer, which you were talking about before, at the beginning of your talk, the sort of trauma that that inflicts on that officer's family back home is I feel like an important thing to take into account when you try to think about what your action is trying to accomplish in the first place. I really feel like I can articulate [my question] properly, but that's the general direction I'm heading with it.
Churchill: How do you feel about Adolf Eichmann's family?
Ward Churchill is the professor that rose to infamy for his disgusting remarks about the September 11th massacre...who described the bankers and stock traders who died in the World Trade Center as "little Eichmanns"...calling their deaths a "penalty befitting their participation in . . . the 'mighty engine of profit' to which the military dimension of U.S. policy has always been enslaved."
Wonder how his family would feel if those same sentiments were hurled his way...
Coulter: Thou Shalt Not Commit Religion
To put the Supreme Court's recent ban on the Ten Commandments display in perspective, here is a small sampling of other speech that has been funded in whole or in part by taxpayers:
Graphic videos demonstrating how to put a condom on and pep talks by "Planned Parenthood educators." – sex education classes at public schools across the nation
Qurans distributed to aspiring terrorists at Guantanamo. – U.S. military
"If there was a better, more effective, or in fact any other way of visiting some penalty befitting their participation upon the little Eichmanns inhabiting the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers (than the attack of 9-11), I'd really be interested in hearing about it." – Ward Churchill, professor, University of Colorado
We need "a million more Mogadishus" (referring to the slaughter of 18 American soldiers during a peacekeeping mission in Somalia in 1993). – Nicholas De Genova, assistant professor, Columbia University
"The entire federal government – the Congress, the executive, the courts – is united behind a right-wing agenda for which George W. Bush believes he now has a mandate. That agenda includes the power of the state to force pregnant women to surrender control over their own lives ... If you like the Supreme Court that put George W. Bush in the White House, you will swoon over what's coming. And if you like God in government, get ready for the Rapture ..." – Bill Moyers' commentary on PBS' "Now"
"Kiss it." – governor of Arkansas to state employee (*my note: Guess Who??)
"For most Americans ... (war with Japan) was a war of vengeance. For most Japanese, it was a war to defend their unique culture against Western imperialism ... Some have argued that the United States would never have dropped the bomb on the Germans, because Americans were more reluctant to bomb 'white people' than Asians." – Smithsonian exhibit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of VJ Day, later modified due to protests
"Anglos consolidated their control of New Mexico, acquiring huge holdings from the original owners through fraud and manipulation." – Smithsonian exhibit
"Ignored were the less honorable aspects of California history – the profiteering, revolts against Mexican authority and Indian massacres." – Smithsonian exhibit, comment on the painting
"The Promised Land – The Grayson Family"
"This predominance of negative and violent views was a manifestation of Indian hating, a largely manufactured, calculated reversal of the basic facts of white encroachment and deceit." – Smithsonian exhibit
"In the Americas, sugar meant slavery." – Smithsonian exhibit
Close-up photos of women's vaginas plastered all over a portrait of the Virgin Mary (which the New York Times will still not mention when it describes the "art"). – Brooklyn Museum of Art
A photo of a woman breastfeeding an infant, titled "Jesus Sucks." – NEA-funded performance
A photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open titled to suggest the infant was available for oral sex. – NEA-funded performance
"F--- a Fetus" poster showing an unborn baby with the caption: "For all you folks who consider a fetus more valuable than a woman, have a fetus cook for you, have a fetus affair, go to a fetus' house to ease your sexual frustration." – NEA-funded performance
Performance of giant bloody tampons, satanic bunnies, three-foot feces and vibrators. – NEA-funded performance
A novel depicting the sexual molestation of a group of 10 children in a pedophile's garage, including acts of bestiality, with the children commenting on how much they enjoyed the pedophilia. – NEA-funded publisher
Christ submerged in a jar of urine. – NEA-funded exhibit
A female performer inserting a speculum into her vagina and inviting audience members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight. – NEA-funded performance
A performance of large, sexually explicit props covered with Bibles performing a wide variety of sex acts and concluding with a mass Bible-burning. – NEA-funded performance (canceled by the venue in response to citizen protests)
A show titled "DEGENERATE WITH A CAPITAL D" featuring a display of the remains of the artist's own aborted baby. – NEA-funded exhibit
A play titled "Sincerity Forever," depicting Christ using obscenities and endorsing any and all types of sexual activities as consistent with biblical teaching. – NEA-funded exhibit
Essay describing then-New York Cardinal John O'Connor as a "fat cannibal from that house of walking swastikas up on Fifth Avenue." Also photographs of men performing oral sex, anal sex, oral-anal sex and masturbation. – NEA-funded exhibit
That's the America you live in! A country founded on a compact with God, forged from the idea that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights is now a country where taxpayers can be forced to subsidize "artistic" exhibits of aborted fetuses. But don't start thinking about putting up a Ten Commandments display. That's offensive!
I don't want to hear any jabberwocky from the Court TV amateurs about "the establishment of religion." (1) A Ten Commandments monument does not establish a religion. (2) The First Amendment prohibits Congress from making any law "respecting" an establishment of religion – meaning Congress cannot make a law establishing a religion, nor can it make a law prohibiting the states from establishing a religion. We've been through this a million times.
Now the Supreme Court is itching to ban the Pledge of Allegiance because of its offensive reference to one nation "under God." (Perhaps that "God" stuff could be replaced with a vulgar sexual reference.) But with the court looking like a geriatric ward these days, they don't want to alarm Americans right before a battle over the next Supreme Court nominee...
Be alarmed. This is what it's about...
The last 2 sentences were segregated from the article and bolded by need to pay attention to what's going on here...
Whooping Cough Outbreak...TB is Back...All Compliments of Illegal...Un-innoculated...Aliens
According to an essay in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, a form of tuberculosis that has shown itself resistant to several drugs has invaded California and is present primarily in the state's "foreign-born" population, a politically correct euphemism for illegal aliens....
Dr. Madeleine Cosman, Ph.D., ESQ: Illegal aliens cross America’s borders medically unexamined. We shrug. We do not know what Illegal Aliens carry in their backpacks. We do not know what they carry in their bodies.
Read the latest headlines about illegal immigration.
Long ago we knew what legal immigrants brought with them. When my grandpa came to America, he kissed the ground of New York’s Ellis Island, then he stripped naked and coughed hard. Every legal immigrant before 1924 was examined for infectious diseases upon arrival and tested for tuberculosis. Anyone infected was shipped back to the old country. That was powerful incentive for each newcomer to make heroic efforts to appear healthy....
Today, legal immigrants must demonstrate that they are free of communicable diseases and drug addiction to qualify for lawful permanent residency Green Cards.
But Illegal Aliens stop at no medical checkpoint. Whoever walks through our foolishly open Golden Door comes in healthy or sick. If a border patrol sentry catches a healthy Illegal Alien he might be sent back home immediately. However, if we catch and detain a sick Illegal Alien, who after examination by physicians in a detention center proves to have a serious disease, we keep him! Foolish compassion makes us fear that his home country has neither adequate medical resources nor modern wonder drugs. So we release sick Illegal Aliens to the American streets, to infect others if their diseases are contagious, or we place them in our Medicaid program where we pay for their expensive treatments....
Now this:
Arizona and the Valley are in the grip of a whooping cough outbreak, as the number of sick continue to rise and health officials warn the 500 reported cases are just a fraction of what’s out there.
A new booster vaccine for adolescents may keep the disease from spreading to infants in their own households, and an adult version due in August could prevent future outbreaks. But it’s too late for either to contain current cases, said state epidemiologist David Engelthaler.
“It’s not going to do a lot to stem the tide of the outbreak,” Engelthaler said, “because it’s much larger than that.”
Adolescents and adults are passing whooping cough on to babies and small children, who are most at risk of severe complications, and even death, from the highly contagious disease. Those immunized as children are still susceptible because the vaccine’s effectiveness eventually wears off.
The 244 cases of pertussis — also known as whooping cough — reported so far this year in Maricopa County are just shy of the 258 cases reported for all of 2004. About 80 percent of the cases are among older children and adults, with babies making up most of the rest. In a normal year, infants make up just 5 percent to 10 percent of the cases.
“If the percentage of cases is high in infants, that just means we’re missing a lot of adolescents and adults,” Engelthaler said. “We know we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg, and it’s much larger than in past years.”
We haven't seen this in our country because we all took care to get immunized against these deadly diseases...
Cal Thomas asks the right questions:
If the threat of terrorism and a contagious disease like TB is not sufficient to get the government to stop harassing native-born Americans at airports and begin concentrating on shutting down the flow of illegal aliens across our borders, what is?
Do politicians so crave the votes of people who break our laws and the approval of Mexican President Vicente Fox that they are willing to jeopardize the health and welfare of the legally residing citizens of this country?
Pro-Illegal Alien -- Race Industry Statement: "They're Not Making Babies...They Are Dying...It's Just A Matter of Time"...
this quote from Jose Angel Gutierrez, Prof. Univ. Texas at Arlington, founder La Raza Unida Party at UC Riverside 1/1995:
"The border remains a military zone. We remain a hunted people. Now you think you have a destiny to fulfill in the land that historically has been ours for forty thousand years. And we're a new Mestizo nation. And they want us to discuss civil rights. Civil rights. What law made by white men to oppress all of us of color, female and male. This is our homeland. We cannot - we will not- and we must not be made illegal in our own homeland. We are not immigrants that came from another country to another country. We are migrants, free to travel the length and breadth of the Americas because we belong here. We are millions. We just have to survive. We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It's a matter of time. The explosion is in our population."
...and you thought I was kidding??
Minutemen -- Civil Defense Corps -- Arizona...New Mexico...Texas...California
Don't listen to what the Main Stream Media wants you to hear...
Don't believe the MSM lies...
American CITIZENS are fed up with the illegal invasion...
Support the Minute Man Project in your own way...
Join...Donate...Write about it...Link to your blog/website...
From Chris Simcox, Founder of the MinuteMan movement:
The human flood breaching our Homeland Defense is not necessarily the enemy per se; drug dealers, criminals and potential terrorists are, and they should be the source of any ire you may be experiencing....
...You are considering joining the MinutemanHQ not because of bias towards people from another country, but rather because you feel your government owes the citizens of the United States protection from people who wish to take advantage of a free society....
...Many are waiting for the outcome and will themselves be motivated with a new sense of activism; we will be leaders who will make a difference, role models who will influence future generations. Are you with us, Americans? If yes, then “let's roll”!
In spite of the media's denial...this program IS SUCCESSFUL...
Join today to take back our protect our promote LEGAL entry into this country...
Bush to Weak-Kneed-Yellow-Belly-Sap-Suckers: Not Only NO...But HELL NO!
"The terrorists and insurgents are trying to get us to retreat. Their goal is to get us to leave before Iraqis have had a chance to show the region what a government that is elected and truly accountable to its citizens can do for its people," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
"We will settle for nothing less than victory" over terrorists there, he said later....
Sometimes it's a battle of nerves...sometimes it's a contest to see who blinks first...
THANK GOD none of the ninnies that have been whining and calling for an early pull-out are not our President...
Thank God...
US Soldiers Eat MREs -- "Tortured" Gitmo Detainees Eat Orange Glazed Chicken -- Democrats Are Encouraging Our Enemies
Where is the outrage? It's here? Well, then, TURN UP THE VOLUME!!
Rep. Duncan Hunter, the House Armed Services Committee chairman, "For Sunday they're going to be having Orange Glazed Chicken, Fresh Fruit Roupee, Steamed Peas and Mushrooms, Rice Pilaf - we treat them very well," he told Fox News Sunday.
Last night, Hunter said, the U.S. "torture victims" enjoyed the same kind of gourmet fare, including an entree of "Lemon-baked Fish."
On the other hand, feeding the detainees MREs, the standard fare given to our troops on the front lines, is strictly verboten - considered an "abuse" under restrictions imposed by Congress, Hunter said.
It is time to bring this outrageous, shameful rant of the liberals to a stop...
The only outcome from all of the shameful accusations will be another attack on the United States...
OR...Is that what the dems want???
Sacrifice a few more thousand Americans...they get their power back...
Is that their plan???
Think about it...
(HT: Bruce Jacobs morning show on KFYI)
79 Illegal Aliens Found Inside Horse Trailer in Phoenix
The people inside told police they had been traveling for about two days and had had little to eat or drink during that time.
The temperatures in the Phoenix area have topped 100 degrees over the last couple of days. The trailer had no air conditioning.
The group included 68 men and women and 11 children, including a 4-month-old baby. None required hospitalization.
A Phoenix police officer found the immigrants after spotting the trailer in an alley and seeing a man running away from the scene. He found the people packed inside....
...on the local news tonight they are reporting that the illegals stated that they had paid $2,000 per person... the math...
U.N.'s Kofi Annan...Oil For Food Program...And The Discovery of More Lies Surrounding The Scandal
But...oh IS!
FoxNews reports tonight: U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan faces new questions over whether he lied to independent investigators probing the scandal-scarred Oil-for-Food program. Those investigators said Tuesday they were "urgently reviewing" fresh evidence...
In fact...the email can be viewed HERE
YOU decide...
Talk About An Uneven Playing Field! - Lenders Tailor Mortgages to Illegal Immigrants
The Phoenix Business Journal reports the following:
An increasing number of lenders are looking to cash in on the surging illegal immigrant population in Arizona and other states by offering mortgages and other financial services that skirt traditional identification requirements.
Some banks and lenders are offering illegal immigrants home loans and financing programs that do not require Social Security cards or proof of U.S. citizenship. Instead, undocumented migrants must prove they are gainfully employed and that they are paying U.S. taxes via Individual Tax Identification Numbers from the IRS.
There are no federal or state restrictions on lending to illegal immigrants, but some conservatives want that to change, contending such practices are enabling illegal immigration into the U.S.
"This is not only encouraging and assisting, but indirectly providing shelter to the illegal alien. And, just as importantly, it also is in direct violation of IRS guidelines, which clearly dictate that ITIN is not to be used as valid ID, and is for tax-filing purposes only," said Rusty Childress, a Valley car dealer and leading advocate of tougher immigration controls.
Childress said the IRS tax numbers are not secure documents, and he worries about them being used by terrorist networks.
"The problem is that there is nothing to stop a terrorist from gaining the same illegal foothold in our society or the same illegal help in getting a loan or a credit card," he said.
A number of lenders and mortgage brokers are tailoring lending programs toward documented and undocumented Hispanics -- and more banks are looking to get in on the action.
That includes New South Federal Savings Bank, which plans to expand an undocumented-oriented program dubbed Casa Mia into the Phoenix, Houston and Atlanta markets. The Alabama-based bank just rolled out the Casa Mia program in its home state.
"These are taxpayers who are giving back to our communities and deserve a fair chance to experience the American dream of home ownership," New South Chief Executive Robert Couch recently told The Birmingham Business Journal, a sister publication.
Spokesman Andy Doggrello said New South's entry into the Phoenix market is pending, but he would not disclose a timetable.
Milwaukee-based mortgage insurer MGIC Investment Corp. also has launched a program that offers mortgage insurance to lenders that offer loans to undocumented immigrants.
MGIC Vice President Mike Zimmerman said his company is working with lenders nationally and sees no additional risk in dealing with undocumented households as long as tax ID numbers are available.
"They're working families," said Zimmerman. "We can judge what their income and credit is." He said MGIC and lenders have devised ways to determine applicants' credit histories even if they do not have traditional backgrounds.
Major banks and financial institutions -- including Bank of America and US Bank -- offer checking and saving accounts to illegal immigrants from Mexico who have consular identification cards.
Other financial institutions, including Western Union, gear wire services toward Hispanics sending U.S. income back to their home countries.
There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., according to the Pew Hispanic Center. The majority of illegals living and working in the U.S. are from Mexico, and the number has risen substantially in recent years.
Arizona has the fourth-highest population of illegals in the U.S. at 500,000 and has become the primary entry point into the U.S. from Mexico.
That creates huge worries about border security, drug smuggling, human trafficking and strains on hospitals, jails and government services.
But some real estate professionals and mortgage lenders see potential customers in the illegal population.
A study by the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals concludes that undocumented Latinos could add $44 billion in new mortgages to the U.S. housing market. The study said undocumented immigrants are discouraged from home ownership because traditional loan programs require identification and legal status.
Larger banks are not yet jumping on the undocumented mortgage bandwagon, but some industry officials say that could change.
Officials at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America, Wells Fargo and US Bank said they do not currently offer ITIN mortgages.
However, a Wells Fargo spokeswoman said her bank is examining how it serves the Hispanic market, and a US Bank official said her bank accepts ITINs for credit card applications.
Some other mortgage lenders and brokers contacted for this story declined comment or did not return telephone calls.
I don't know about you...but I...AM...PISSED!!!
I worry about how my grandchildren...are going to be able to afford a home...and here we have lenders...real estate agents...BANKS...pandering to ILLEGALS...
Minutemen...Illegal Aliens Update
A spokesperson for the group said that co-founder Chris Simcox will meet with about 100 border ranchers and landowners this weekend in south Texas.
It will be the first of several meetings to train for fall patrol operations.
This is the same group that drew praise and criticism for conducting similar patrols along the Arizona-Mexico border earlier this year.
A spokesperson for the Minuteman Project says the Texas patrols will use the same operating procedures -- participants will not approach illegal immigrants, instead track them and report them to U.S. Border Patrol agents....
Hudson police continue to arrest illegal immigrants on trespassing charges, despite pending legal challenges to the practice...
A federal appeals court has denied efforts by carpet and flooring giant Mohawk Industries Inc. to kill a racketeering class action. The suit claims the Calhoun, Ga., company recruited and employed illegal aliens in order to depress wages of legitimate employees....
Mexican lawmakers told their American counterparts this weekend that Mexico has not done enough to stop the flow of illegal aliens across the U.S.-Mexico border, particularly non-Mexicans who first illegally cross Mexico's southern border....
PBS' Bill Moyers: Liberal Reasoning "Too Complex" for "Red Meat"
PBS's Bill Moyers, in a taped interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews aired Friday night, declared that those who watch FNC and listen to Rush Limbaugh "like red meat," but he contended, "by nature, it's very hard for a liberal to throw red meat simply because the issues are more complex than you can reduce down to a soundbite."
Here is the exchange - about red meat - you really have to read the whole report to get the flavor of the imperial-ness, better-than-any-of-you attitude:
Chris Matthews: "Right now, there's a highly successful conservative cable network called Fox. Why isn't there a highly successful liberal network?"
Bill Moyers: "I don't understand it. I think the people who run television think that liberals and progressives don't get worked up about anything. I think that they think that they're too subtle, too complex, too erudite, let's say, to really defame them. And I think they don't want that kind of television anymore. And in once sense also, the people out in the country who listen to Fox News, who listen to Rush Limbaugh, they like red meat. And, you know, by nature, it's very hard for a liberal to throw red meat simply because the issues are more complex than you can reduce down to a soundbite, although I think we have to learn to speak in that new grammar."
Liberals too subtle??
You mean like Al "...he BETRAYED US!!" Gore?
Or...Robert "GOP=Hitler" Byrd??
OR...Hillary "There has never been an administration, I don't believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda" Clinton???
Oh no, Moyers...Liberals don't get worked up about anything...
Have you noticed that liberals, when facing the really hard question "Why don't we have as many listeners as Fox?" - always...ALWAYS...frame themselves as more learn-ed...we are just too SMART for "them" to understand...
What a bunch of bullshit...
But, let them console themselves with the self-grandioseness...they don't get it...they never did...and they never will...
Google Censors Ads for Anti-Clinton Book, But Leaves Anti-Bush Ads Intact
Google bans previously approved ads for book about the Clintons' abuse of power but leaves anti-Bush ads intact. The CEO's support of Hillary Clinton is questioned as a factor....
Representatives for Google - whose corporate motto is “don't be evil” - attempted to defend the surprise ban on the book’s ads by claiming their policies prohibit ads that are against an individual. But while the ads for the book - which featured images of the book's cover and pictures of the former First Couple - were suddenly deemed too offensive, Google happily accepts advertisements with headlines such as "Hate Bush? So Do We," “Bush Belongs Behind Bars,” ...
Time for you to find another search engine...Google needs to hear from us...
Earthquake Next Door...
Illegals Still Getting Support From the Mexican Government to Cross the U.S. Border Illegally

The Mexican Consular's office still has the website up with the full book available with instructions on how to get into this country illegally...
The Center for Individual Freedom, or CFIF, believes that the Congress and the federal government should act to uphold our laws and fight the tide of illegal immigration. While we celebrate the fact that our country is a nation of immigrants and a collection of diverse cultures, we do not believe that illegal aliens ought to be rewarded for breaking the law. In addition, CFIF calls on the Mexican government to stop training its citizens how to break American law.
What IS it going to take to get the government's undivided attention to this problem??
How many more cops or other innocent people are going to have to lose their lives...then the murderer...who wasn't supposed to be here in the first place...runs back to the protection of the Mexican government??
Illegal Aliens Being Charged As Trespassers
Of course, there are critics...calling it an abuse of local authority...give me a break
Police chief Richard Gendron of Hudson said the federal government had failed to protect the borders and he would continue to charge illegal immigrants.
"There is a good possibility we will issue more citations," Gendron told Reuters. "If you come into this state and you are an illegal alien or immigrant, you don't have the right or the privilege to be here."
Gendron said it was New Ipswich police chief Garrett Chamberlain who prompted him to start issuing citations in Hudson when federal agents did not show much interest in taking custody of illegal immigrants caught in New Ipswich.
Chamberlain went to a local prosecutor and they decided to use the trespassing statute, the Washington Post said.
Claire Ebel of the New Hampshire American Civil Liberties Union said the police were overstepping their authority by "misusing a statute to enforce federal law that they have no jurisdiction to enforce."
"They are the Northeastern equivalent of the Minutemen," she said, referring to an armed private militia in Arizona that patrols the border with Mexico.
Right on...
The temperatures are rising...thinking about the beach...or the mountains...or just kicking back with a cool one...
Well, I am gonna remind you all summer long...all YEAR long that we must also remember to support our troops...
There are a lot of ways to do it...a lot of dedicated people that have created websites and donate countless hours in many creative ways...
Packages From Home You can donate money or items - a list of drop off locations is on the site...there also is this:
NOTICE: We have several special requests for specialty items to help our troops make it through the heat of summer in the mideast. OPERATION SUMMER COMFORT is designed to help supply our troops with UnderArmour® T-shirts, sunscreen, gatorade-type electrolyte drinks, and CoolTies to help ward off the ill effects of sun poisoning. Please help with your donation today. Thank you!
Instructions for making Cool Ties along with pictures...
Or, you can buy Cool Ties for the troops...
America Supports You has many suggestions: donate computers (for the families here that are unable to communicate with their soldier(s) via email); donate frequent flyer miles; donate gift certificates; homes for our troops - building and remodeling handicap accessible homes for our severely wounded veterans; help for the wounded; training and placement for veterans; help for military families...
It's not about YOU...'s about THEM...
ALL of them...
DO IT! - take time out of your busy life...set the cold one down for a moment...turn off the TV...delay your golf game for a few moments...
Stop everything...just for a moment...and do something that will make a difference...
No More Jumbo Jacks For Me... what does this have to do with Jack In the Box, you ask?
...apparently a lot... of our morning talk show hosts, Bruce Jacobs, just read an email from a Phoenix police officer who relayed that on May 11, 2005, the day after Officer Uribe was gunned down, Phoenix officers were walking the neighborhood and asking businesses to post signs with the information about the murdering suspects...even businesses that had a policy against posting such signs took them and placed them on counters where their customers could see them...that is, all businesses...EXCEPT...Jack in the Box...
...I don't know about you, but any business that has a policy against helping the police when they are looking for murderers...dangerous criminals...that business is aiding and abetting those criminals...
...and as for me...if I am craving a burger...I will go ANYWHERE BUT JACK IN THE BOX...
A Call to Arms: Americans Are Fed Up With Illegal Aliens
...the thing that bothers Americans is that they are "Coming to America"... Illegally
Americans are starting to realize that they are not alone in the resentment over the never ending influx of human refugees into this country...the draining of our resources...the shortcomings of the public education system for our children and grandchildren...while accommodating the children of these illegal aliens...the horrible overload on our healthcare system when free services are rendered to people that are here on a free ride...
...and Americans are beginning to come together with the same objective: Protect Our Borders!
The success of the Minuteman Project here in Arizona is chapters are forming every day as people realize that there CAN be success in numbers...say what you will about was a huge success...and everyone knows it...
...we don't need to riot or fight...
...just be a presence...deter those that wish to enter this country and avoid all LEGAL options...
the idea has taken root...and it is a fast growing phenomena...
But, like our ancestors...we are grasping the idea that protection of this of our rights and our way of of everything we have all worked so hard to produce...that protection can and WILL depend on just how much we are ALL willing to do to defend it...
Speaking of Howie Dean...
I mean, can't you just SEE IT???...
weenies...makes one sick just at the thought of it...
Howe the Republican Hater Has a Kumbaya Moment With His Fellow Libs
Can't you just say I don't like those wascally wepublicans...?...or...or...those Republicans are sooo mean because they keep winning...?
give me a break...
the libs LOVE HOWIE...
I know that some of them are 'distancing' themselves from Howie right now...that's just an act, folks...
They all KNOW what he is up fact, I won't be surprised when it is discovered later that they are the ones that helped write the script...they just don't want to get any of the filth or mud on their lilly-white hands...
makes me sick to watch it...
Inept Kofi Annan Loses Nuclear Plans
That's right...the plans have vanished and could be put up for sale on the international black market, according to UN investigators.
How do you "lose" something like that??
Well, as long as Kofi Annan is insisting on focusing on:
"Illegal detentions" in Iraq...
sitting for interviews with Katie Couric...
aiding and abetting the thugs and murderers that stole money from Iraqi's in the Oil for Food program...including Annan's son... long as those things and others continue to hold Annan's attention...
...WELL...just HOW do you expect him to keep track of plans and blueprints for making nuclear bombs???
I mean, C'MON! the man's BUSY...
Kerry: The Term 'Dunce' is not enough - 5 D's...Not Even His Blue Blood Could Save Him...

picture with caption from Rush Limbaugh
Newly released Navy records of Sen. John Kerry show the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, who was portrayed as the intellectual superior of President Bush, actually received a lower academic average than his rival while studying at Yale, including five Ds....
As Rush so correctly summarized: For the longest time, Senator Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee -- who served in Vietnam -- refused to release his entire medical file while in the Navy. He refused to sign what is known as the Form 180. We now know why, ladies and gentlemen, because his Navy records reveal his grades at Yale and they were worse than George W. Bush's -- and the Democrats and Kerry so enjoyed ridiculing Bush's intelligence that it would have backfired on them if the Navy records would have been released...
Newsmax is reporting Kerry's intellectual deficit revealed itself in geology, two history courses and, most surprisingly for a top politician, political science.
"I always told my dad that D stood for distinction," the failed presidential candidate told reporters....
Last year, when an analysis of Kerry's Navy aptitude test showed that Bush actually had a higher IQ, the top Democrat blamed his lackluster performance on drinking.
"I must have been drinking the night before I took that military aptitude test," Kerry told NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw.
President Bush suffered the same type of derision during the 2000 campaign, when critics regularly portrayed him as intellectually inferior to Al Gore.
Gore attended divinity school after graduating from Yale. But transcripts from Vanderbilt University showed that he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters.
Gore left Vanderbilt without receiving a degree.
...and Howard Dean likes to portray the libs as the 'working class'...
Howard Dean's Latest Scream: Calls GOP "a White Christian Party"
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, unapologetic in the face of recent criticism that he has been too tough on his political opposition, said in San Francisco this week that Republicans "all behave the same, and they all look the same. ... It's pretty much a white Christian party. "
Okay, let's see - the last election's stats:
42% of the Latino vote went to Bush...
37% of the Asian vote went to Bush...
Who's going to break the news to those people that Howard Dean either 1) considers them non-entities; or 2) considers them 'white'...??
Hillary "Stays Awake At Night"...Calls the House of Representatives "a dictatorship of the Republican leadership"
NO - she wasn't talking about Bill and herself...but that was a good guess...if it were coming from a normal person...
"There has never been an administration, I don't believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda,"
Nope...wrong again...not talking about her and Bill...she was speaking about the President...the CURRENT president, George W. Bush...
Referring to Congress' Republican leadership, she said, "Some honestly believe they are motivated by the truth, they are motivated by a higher calling, they are motivated by, I guess, a direct line to the heavens."
This was delivered in a speech this morning!
The woman is incredible...but the MSM is even more disgusting...she does 180's all day long and they NEVER call her on even one...
Does ANYONE remember Howard Fineman crowing in November 2000 how he and the rest of the Washington press corps are looking forward to hyping Hillary Clinton in the Senate, "it's gonna be a media circus up there 24-7. Reporters like me are gonna want to go up and hang with Hill on the Hill. Everybody is gonna be up there all the time. She is a possible presidential candidate in her own right and she's a terrific politician as she proved on her own in New York state. And she's gonna be a powerhouse."
Looks like they've done what they set out to do, doesn't it...More Hillary quotes - lest you forget how many times this idiotic, unpredictable and self-inflated woman has revealed who she really is:
"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president. "
"Let's not leave an educational vacuum to be filled by religious extremists who go to families who have no other option and offer meals, housing and some form of education. If we are going to combat extremism then we must educate those very same children."
"Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
(Note: do you see her and Bill giving anything back 'for the common good'?...
...thought so...)
"Research shows the presence of women raises the standards of ethical behavior and lowers corruption. "
"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society."
Okay, I've gotta stop...the woman's fractoid logic is making me nauseous...
Hillary Clinton Still "Talks" to Eleanor Roosevelt
Illegal Alien Problem Just Kicked Up a Notch...
NOT an "undocumented worker"...
Hey, let's call a spade a spade here...
I am sick and tired of the political-correctness that I see every day in the media...especially in my hometown rag, the AZ Republic...
...these people come here under the stealth of darkness...without permission...without anything legal acknowledging access to our country and/or our services...WHICH, by the way are paid for with MY TAX DOLLARS (yours, too - you know)...
They are illegals...and it seems to me that if they are willing to ignore, flip off, and blatantly break our laws when they enter this country...why should we expect them to follow any rule of law once they are here?
I know...Denver has it's own set of issues and problems...and their situation wasn't helped when Executive Order 119 declared that the city would accept matricula consular cards issued by the Mexican consulate as official identification. The consulate notoriously issues these cards with little scrutiny to illegals with fraudulent identities....
...and it would be very easy to sit here and state "well, that's THEIR problem"...but - it really is OUR problem...
Once a precedent has been set...the clock starts ticking...and once a precedent has been set...others will use that benchmark to make their arguments that they should be granted the same "rights"...
I say enough...
We are dealing with millions of people...MILLIONS...that are now living here in the United States that have not one legal document granting them the right to be here...yet - daily - they are draining our health care system...overburdening our education system...and killing cops...
Mort Zukerman at US News gets it: How should Americans come to terms with the fact we now have more than 11 million people living here outside the rule of law? I refer, of course, to the shadow population of "undocumented workers" or "illegal aliens" that outnumbers threefold the American population at the founding of the republic!
If a proliferating community of illegal aliens is the price of immigration, most Americans feel it is simply too high. No poll has ever shown that Americans want more immigrants. In fact, more than half want fewer. Why? Illegal aliens are widely seen as undermining law enforcement and security, undercutting native-born workers, and diffusing the very identity of America...
We have to find the resolve to take remedial action now, before it is too late...
Our very lives depend upon it...and don't think for a moment that I am being dramatic or over-assessing the situation.
Mike Rosen over at the Rocky Mountain News gets it: Raul Garcia-Gomez might do for the cause of immigration reform what Ward Churchill has done for reform of leftist domination in academia. The alleged cop killer - Garcia-Gomez that is, not Churchill - has focused the spotlight on governmental and business laxity and duplicity in regard to immigration policy and enforcement....
Call me me callous...
What I DO care about is this:
I don't want to see anymore cops gunned down by anyone...but MOST ESPECIALLY I don't want to read about an incident such as this being perpetrated by someone that shouldn't have been here in the first place...
A.C.L.U. Shredding Evidence? What Are They Trying To Hide?
The organization has generally advocated for strong policies on record retention and benefited from them, most recently obtaining and publicizing documents from the government about prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
The debate over the use of shredders is reminiscent of one late last year over the organization's efforts to collect a wide variety of data on its donors, even as it criticizes corporations and government agencies for accumulating personal data as a violation of privacy rights.
Janet Linde, who oversaw the A.C.L.U.'s archives for over a decade until she resigned last month, raised concerns in e-mail messages and memorandums for over two years that officials' use of shredders in their offices made a mockery of the organization's policy to supervise document destruction and created potential legal risks.
"It has been shown in many legal cases over the years, including the Enron case, that if a company has an established and documented shredding program they will not be liable if documents at issue in a lawsuit are found to have been destroyed," Ms. Linde wrote in a 2003 memo. "If, however, the means for unauthorized shredding is present in the office we cannot say that we have made a good faith effort to monitor and document our records disposal process."
Ms. Linde said she was disturbed that her correspondence had become public and declined to comment further. A spokeswoman for the organization, Emily Whitfield, declined to answer specific questions but made the following statement: "The A.C.L.U.'s records management policies have always been of the highest standards in keeping with, if not more stringent than, those of other nonprofits."
The organization refused to address which documents were being shredded, among other questions....
oh, that is rich!
these people claim to be the standard bearers...the righteous 'do-gooders'...the ones that supposedly fight for the underdog...and they are no better than the ones they set out to destroy...
The ACLU has just bared it's naked dark side to the world...and it AIN'T a pretty sight...
(HT: Matt Drudge)
So What Do I Think About The "Outing" of 'Deep Throat'?
...if it were any OTHER whistle blower...they would fall all over themselves to get on the OTHER side of the issue...
There are plenty of theories about why...why NOW...'Deep Throat' chose to reveal himself...
...all I can tell you is...
...Follow the Money...
...OH - and...there's another side to this that is conveniently... consistently...overlooked by the MSM...
and that is Hillary Rodham Clinton's involvement...the HILLARY the impeachment of Richard Nixon......

Hillary Rodham, a lawyer for the Rodino Committee and John Doar (L), Chief Counsel for the committee, were bringing impeachment charges against President Richard Nixon, in the Judiciary Committee hearing room at the U.S. Capitol....David Hume Kennerly Title of Image Hillary Rodham and John Doar; Image ID # 139_Clinton-Doar; Credit: David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images; Date 1974; Location Washington, D.C. forward the clock to the Whitewater scandal...find Hillary on the OTHER side of the fence...and her whole value system gets turned upside-down...
...but, I digress...
Mark Felt is no hero.... far as I am concerned, Former FBI Deputy Director F. Mark a traitor......
"What you are ethically bound to do is go to a grand jury and seek an indictment and not go to a single news source," said G Gordon Liddy, who was convicted and served nearly five years in prison for his role in the scandal....
"What he did was wrong, and he knew it was wrong. That's why he did not want to go public," added Liddy...
Follow the money....
Felt certainly did Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward...what a coincidence...Woodward's "new" book will be out this summer...and all of sudden we have this expose'....
...coincidence my ass...
Texas Governor to Allow Minuteman Vigil at Border
...but THAT'S not what you are hearing from the MSM...oh, no, no, no, no.....
THEIR headlines read like this:
Border Volunteers Not So Welcomed in Texas..
Minutemen getting a pre-emptive cold shoulder in Texas...
Minutemen not so welcome in Texas...
They're reading from the same hymnal...YA THINK??
Read past the first lines, idiots!
Even though the liberals are screaming and crying "foul"...the governor has made his decision...
Even Sheila Jackson Lee got some print over this: U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, Texas Democrat who also asked the governor to "disinvite" the Minutemen, told Mr. Perry she was concerned that the Arizona project had given people time to get "incensed" and was worried about "deadly violence" along the Texas vigil....

(from the Deck of Weasels)
Hey, Sheila! Read the reports!
The Minutemen were PEACEFUL when we were along the Arizona border!
As for the state legislators - this is what they have to say:
Mr. Hinojosa, a Democrat from McAllen, said in the resolution that Texas border communities rely heavily on tourism, commerce and the free flow of legal cross-border traffic to help support local economies and that the Minuteman patrols could "impede the traffic and negatively affect both tourism and trade along the border."
"I don't think that there's any doubt that there's a tinge of racism beneath the surface in their attempt to try to stop immigrants from Mexico," Hinojosa said. "Why don't they do that in Canada?"
Hey, aren't these the same Texas Democrats that went into hiding in a hotel/command center in neighboring Oklahoma just two years ago...defying House rules that say lawmakers cannot intentionally miss a quorum call?
Thought so...
GovernorPerry summed it up well:
"The federal government can and must do more to close the border to illegal immigration," the two-term Republican said. "Until that happens, these kinds of citizen-initiated efforts likely will be the result. If you want to send the Minutemen home, I urge you to make sure we have enough federal agents on the border to secure it."
Mr. Perry, who said 1.4 million illegal aliens live in Texas, warned that the "continued flow of a significant number of undocumented immigrants into the United States is not acceptable, especially in the post-September 11 era."