

Apparently Michelle Obama's thoughts are consumed by race...she speaks of it daily...she preaches about it...and now we discover that her senior year thesis at Princeton was devoted to pointing out how racially insensitive Princeton was...

People, I am sick and tired of this!

I don't know about you, but until the Obamas came on the scene I was not as sensitive and aware of how "black" someone was...I truly believe that we had moved beyond the race issue...at least in my town, race is not an issue...at least, it hasn't been an issue...

The shocking vitriol that we have now witnessed coming from the mouth of the Obama's 20-year+ pastor is so far removed from what we experience in our church, I am fast coming to the conclusion that while white Americans have moved beyond race issues, as best they can...the black Americans have clung to their race issues like a tired rag doll...

Let me tell you, Michelle Obama, student loans or not, I would love to send MY children to Princeton!

You are being revealed more and more to be an ungrateful, whining, paranoid creep...