
Jeremiah Wright is the Racist...Not White America

I have been dismayed at the recent events surrounding Rev. Jeremiah Wright...disappointed in a way that I am seriously surprised to discover...

But the thing that I am dismayed about is not the impact Wright is having on Obama's campaign...I have said earlier and often that Obama is an unknown on the American scene, too much about Obama has not been revealed for him to become the next president of the United States of America...

No, the disappointment rests in the fact that while white Americans were sincerely trying to move beyond race...while WE were trying to be color blind...inside black churches, every Sunday, black congregants apparently sit down to hear the current week's worth of hatred for America and, in particular, hatred for WHITE Americans...

Let's get real about this whole Reverand White issue...

I have heard many people chime in on this and say Rev. Wright is not unpatriotic! Wright was a marine!

Well, let me tell you something...Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who murdered John F. Kennedy, was a marine...simply being a marine does not give someone a get-out-of-jail-free-card to spew hatred for the United States of America on a regular basis...

But Wright's hatred is not only directed at America...come on, you know it...I know it...he is, plain and simple, A RACIST......

Jeremiah Wright is a racist! And if you think that keeping on your rose-colored glasses on this one will make go away, think again people...

Apparently all the rhetoric about "moving beyond racism" has been a one-sided deal...WE have tried to move beyond it...from the words and scenes we have seen from Wright's pulpit...and the congregation cheering and standing and jumping...there wasn't anything to indicate that his members of his "church" think any differently...

This is really disturbing...

Forget the fact that Wright's "church" has non-profit status and pays no taxes...this hatred spewed from the pulpit...clearly political hatred...this is a clear and documented violation of the non-profit rules...but that is something that should be looked into...

Wright preaches about people that "have not"...omg...Wright is getting ready to move into a 10,000 square foot mansion...he clearly is not subscribing to his own preachings...and, if this money for this house came from a church or churches that mix religion and politics, I think there are other, larger issues that will haunt Wright...but I digress...

Jeremiah Wright is who he is...nothing is going to change him now...

No, the really disappointing thing about all this is all of the people in the black community that have come to Wright's defense...people that I would never have thought subscribed to this way of thinking...

To defend someone simply because his skin color is the same as yours...to defend someone that has, for years, preached hatred for this country...AND hatred for white people...unbelievable...

Take a step back and look at what is happening...the race issue apparently is alive and well...and it is largely due to the fact of people like Jeremiah Wright and his followers...

While we were going to church and getting sermans on tolerance...while we were moving forward and being inclusive...Jeremiah Wright has been preaching hatred...he has been pounding this hatred from his pulpit for over 20 years...and behind the closed doors of his "church", instead of preaching hope and love for mankind, Wright has been making sure that the race issue will have a foundation to continue beyond his years behind the microphone...

Now all of that has come to the forefront...I think most people were shocked, as I was, when we first heard the words of Jeremiah Wright...

If this country takes a huge step backward on the issue of race, there is no one to blame for it other than Jeremiah Wright.