
Write to Your Congressman TODAY

I have taken a form letter from a liberal-anti-Alito website and made some changes...

You can cut and paste - and send THIS email to your Congressman today...

Judge Alito needs your support:


Dear _____________(your congressman - write to all of them)

I'm writing to strongly SUPPORT Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court, and ask that you SUPPORT his nomination when it comes before you.

Judge Alito DOES represent the mainstream of American thinking and American society. His prior written record plainly shows that he's a "strict constructionist;" his constructionist judicial values are plain for all to see. It is a shame that liberals feel compelled to argue that Judge Alito will be replacing Sandra Day O'Connor, VALUE FOR VALUE, when precedent states the opposite. Ruth Bader-Ginsberg is a perfect example.

For example, Judge Alito:

- has shown a definition of Presidential power that is defined in the Constitution. He is among the chief proponents of the idea that a "presidential signing statement" carries equal weight with Congress' legislative intent in the courts -- an approach to the law clearly COMPATIBLE with the separation of powers as laid out in our Constitution. His arguments that the Attorney General should be given legal immunity for wiretapping enemies of this country during a time of war are on the mark.

- Liberals argue about his "clear intent to overturn abortion rights" and the Roe v. Wade precedent on which they are based. When a party bases their opposition to an appointment of a judge on one issue, the focus shifts to them rather than on the qualifications of the candidate.

- Liberals argue that Judge Alito broke his written promise to the Senate and -- "shockingly" -- failed to recuse himself in a 2003 case involving the mutual fund company Vanguard, in which he held an investment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, when - IN FACT - the argument was clearly made that that law was written for judges that have CONTROL OVER THE DECISION-MAKING-PROCESS WITHIN A COMPANY, which HE DID NOT.

Again, I ask that you vote YES on Mr. Alito's nomination and OBJECT TO the use of a filibuster, if necessary, in liberal's attempts to stop him. Your vote on this issue is of the utmost importance to me and the majority of Americans who do not want to see their rights so grossly misrepresented by liberals. I look forward to your response.


(your name, address and email)


take a moment, cut and paste...do it now...

Time's a-wasting...