
Iraqi People: Only War Will Get Us Out of Our Present Condition

Oh - and...Cindy now has a post on Michael Moore's site...she even reveals that a woman who was a human shield before the Iraq war started showed up...a dear woman from Australia who was a human shield in Iraq and knows that the Iraqi people are not jumping for joy that the policies of Bush destroyed their country...


That's what these 'war protestors' would have you believe...but...

FORTUNATELY, there are others that are willing to admit: I was wrong to oppose the war...this man went to Iraq to visit relatives and had his eyes opened...and his mind drastically changed...

His relatives told him - in no uncertain terms - that they are GLAD that the war freed them from Saddam Hussein: "Look at our lives!" they said. "We live like animals: no food, no car, no telephone, no job, and, most of all, no hope." That's why they wanted this war...

I wept with relatives whose son just screamed all day long. I cried with a relative who had lost his wife. Yet another left home every day for a "job" where he had nothing to do. Still another had lost a son to war and a husband to alcoholism.

As I observed the slow death of a people without hope, Saddam Hussein seemed omnipresent. There were his statues; posters showed him with his hand outstretched or firing his rifle, or wearing an Arab headdress. These images seemed to be on every wall, in the middle of the road, in homes....

"Everything will be all right when the war is over," people told me. "No matter how bad it is, we will not all die. Twelve years ago, it went almost all the way but failed. We cannot wait anymore. We want the war, and we want it now."

This man even tried to reassure his relatives that the U.N. was on the way with help (Sure!):

When I told members of my family that some sort of compromise with Iraq was being worked out at the United Nations, they reacted not with joy but anger: "Only war will get out of our present condition."

These 'human shields'...these war protesters...do they ever consider what conditions the victims of Saddam Hussein lived under?

Probably not...for, you see, these are the people that are running scared...these people are not heroes...they are afraid for THEIR SKIN...

These are the people that - if challanged - would fall on the ground screaming "Don't hurt me...don't hurt ME!"

Makes me sick...