
Moore is a gross, shapeless, unshaven monument to self-indulgence and gobbling

This also from NewsMax Insider Report:

British historian and author Paul Johnson, writing in Forbes, gave us our quote of the week:

“I am one of those who resent the way in which many showbiz personalities abuse their popularity by trying to bully voters into supporting their left-wing views. Many of them in London seem to be in the Kerry camp. The pop star Elton John accuses the Bush Administration of censoring music (if only it were true), a preposterous claim typical of the abuse coming from the greasepaint brigade.

“Hollywood, too seem lined up on Kerry’s side. I haven’t seen Michael Moore’s anti-Bush movie. But all I have to do is to mentally line up Moore alongside Bush to decide whom I prefer. As Hamlet says: ‘look here, upon this picture, and on this . . . Hyperion to a satyr.’ Bush looks to be a man who keeps himself trim through self-discipline, while Moore is a gross, shapeless, unshaven monument to self-indulgence and gobbling.”