
The Further Insane Rantings of Cindy Sheehan

As unrealistic as she comes across, Cindy Sheehan has crossed the line to insanity...

I know that many of you saw that happen a long time ago...but there are still many others that believe in "her cause" and are sympathetic...

Sheehan, in one of her rants that are posted on Michael Moore's website...no surprise there...Cindy claims that now President Bush, the CDC and everyone else has MADE UP THE THREAT OF THE BIRD FLU...

You read that right....go read her own words...or at least the words that are being credited to her...

George and friends have come up with a new enemy whose atrocities also can't be contained to borders and that doesn't wear a national uniform: The Bird Flu....These people do not walk on this earth anywhere near reality or peace. Our new enemy of the state will be Birds who may be ill and we shall be very afraid every time we sneeze and pray that our government saves us from more imaginary threats....

Yep...she's finally gone 'round the bend...